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You're making me confused
I'm puzzled and bemused

I'm fuddled, heart's been puddled by the thoughtThat we're more than just a fling
Where did I put that ring?
If only my heart could sing

-If My Heart Could Speak, Cody Fry


With that, time slowly passed by and by in its own rhythm.

Shinhye, as promised, would visit Yunhee every week. It had become a normal matter to the three people involved. Shinhye had more or less become a most welcome temporary family member herself, and not in any world was that something she wasn't happy about.

Yunhee never got tired of Shinhye coming over, and every time was a more exciting one.

On the other hand, the parent and the teacher had started to get to know each other better.

It did not take Renjun too long to figure why Yunhee liked Ms. Na so much. As he observed her, he realized that she wasn't just a good teacher, but also a good and grounded person. She was very respectful, even though she was a regular visitor to the household, she knew her boundaries and respected their privacy. She seemed kind and gentle, from the way he had heard her talking to his daughter. 

Shinhye got to know Renjun not only as a responsible parent, but also a mature person and a thorough gentleman. He was a simple-minded person like herself, which is a hard trait to find in people, amongst other amazing traits. 

But the main event which really brought them to be friends was something of its own, an interesting story, definitely worth telling.

It happened on one of those days, where Shinhye had came after a long week of work. Coming to meet Yunhee was a relaxing little thing, amusing for Shinhye as well. 

YUNHEE- What do you teach the high school children? 
SHINHYE- Well.. I teach them History.

Renjun, who was passing by the room as this conversation was taking place in Yunhee's room, took interest, listening to what they were talking about, without making his presence noted to the other two. 

YUNHEE- What is that? Is that something to do with.. umm.. numbers?

Shinhye chuckled, remembering how the little one did not take much interest in Mathematics. She related to that, Mathematics hadn't been her strongest subject either, she would barely make through it in high school, but that was a discussion for another time.

SHINHYE- Well, not really. 

Shinhye thought of the easiest way to explain the subject to the 5 year old, hopefully not to use complicated historian rants in the process of doing so.

SHINHYE- Well.. you know what you ate for breakfast today, right?
YUNHEE- YES! I ate oats. I don't like them very much :( But dad said they are healthy for me so I had to. *pouts* 
SHINHYE- *laughs in amusement* Well, I mean, your father is right. Oats are very healthy. But to be honest *makes a face* I don't like them either. So, we are on the same team. 

Renjun broke into a huge smile. It was the teacher's simple and unpolished way of talking that got him some kind of way. The way she was honest, the way Ms. Na didn't want to seem like a perfect adult to her, explained why Yunhee gave her the title of a 'best friend'. 

SHINHYE- Well, do you know what people your age might have been eating a long long time ago? Before you were born? Before, your father was born? 
YUNHEE- Before dad was born? That's a long long time ago.. 

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