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I've been spending the last eight months
Thinking all love ever does
Is break and burn and end
But on a Wednesday in a café
I watched it begin again

-Begin Again, Taylor Swift


Cover credits: -dreamxxhaechan

Renjun found himself face to face with a girl who seemed to be of his age, wavy brown hair that went up to her shoulders, and light brown eyes. She wore like glasses like himself, steel-rimmed.

That's a pretty teacher.

The former got up and brushed the dust off his shirt.

RENJUN- O-Oh- umm I'm so sorry about that- Yunhee can be a little hyper at times hehe.
SHINHYE- No worries Mr. Huang, children are meant to be hyper. I hope you are not hurt?
RENJUN- Oh I am perfectly fine. Thank you Ms..?
SHINHYE- Na. I'm Yunhee's teacher. Pleasure.

Shinhye lent her hand for a handshake which Renjun accepted gladly.

SHINHYE- Please have a seat. And Yunhee, you can go to the play area, your friends are waiting there for you.
YUNHEE- Really? Okay! Thanks Ms. Na!

Yunhee ran off to the play area, leaving the father who was currently going through the awkward phase of puberty all over again. Definitely first timer, it shows, Shinhye thought.

SHINHYE- Well, getting started, there is something I wanted to discuss with you. But are there any concerns on your end?

RENJUN- Uhmm.. not really. But like, I hope Yunhee isn't getting on your nerves too much or bothering you a lot. Hehe.
SHINHYE- Oh no not at all. She is very diligent and well-behaved. It always amazes me as to how self aware she is. I really do admire her upbringing, Mr. Huang.
RENJUN- W-Why thank you. *smiles* And yes, umm you wanted to discuss something with me, i suppose?
SHINHYE- Umm.. yeah I did. Just give me a second.

Shinhye brought out from her desk a bright covered sketch-book. 

SHINHYE- Here. You can flip through it once.

Renjun took the sketch-book and flipped through the pages, slowly and gently, for each page had something beautiful drawn on it. The artwork looked like it had been done by a professional, they looked so well done. It was obvious that time and patience had went in to create the masterpieces. 

RENJUN- Wow- they are very well done- but I don't get it, what does it have to do with Yunhee?
SHINHYE- Well, would you believe me if I tell you who the artist is?
RENJUN- I'm sorry, Ms. Na, but I fail to get your point here.
SHINHYE- Well, the artwork you just saw has been done by your daughter.

Renjun took a hot minute to process what he had just heard.

RENJUN- I'm sorry-- what?
SHINHYE- You heard me right the first time, Mr. Huang. Yunhee made these. 
RENJUN- But that's nearly-- impossible- I mean- she is like- JUST 5 YEARS OLD?!

SHINHYE- Well actually it is possible, but very rarely. You see, we have two types of thinking, creative and logical. The main purpose of early education and schooling is to build both of those sectors. Some children are equally good at both, some lack a little in either, some lack a lot too. As we grow we start thinking in a classified manner. They get to know, in a manner, what they want to excel in. But very rarely, some children already have a high leveled sense of a sector, can be logical, can be creative, can even be both. In Yunhee's case it seems to be creative. She has a vivid imagination. I suppose you have a interest in painting and all?
RENJUN- Yes, in fact I'm a graphic designer, painting and sketching are kind of like my hobbies, but I usually deal a lot with digital art. 
SHINHYE- That's it. Since that is the first thing she is exposed to, she took a liking to it, that is why she expresses her imagination in that manner. 
RENJUN- I'm sorry-- I'm still not getting it--
SHINHYE- My bad, I might've elaborated a little too much. Long story short, Yunhee might just be what we call, a child prodigy. 


"Hushhh.. she's sleeping, and I mean yeah, that's what her teacher said."

Renjun let out a tired breath as he concluded listing the events to Haechan. Yunhee's head lied on Renjun's lap as she was deep in sleep, while the latter gently caressed her hair, careful to not to wake her up.

HAECHAN- What are you so worried about?
RENJUN- I don't know either. I just-- 

Renjun glanced down at the child, who lay ever so quietly, sleeping soundly.

RENJUN- I have never felt like I have given her the kind of care she deserves. All those things she wants which I can't get her, you know, a normal family. I'm just a 21 year old who doesn't even know what to do with life. and now I know that she is, well, not a normal child. She is different. She is.. extraordinary, I don't think I  am good enough to take care of her. 

Haechan stayed quiet as tears trickled down his friend's cheek. 

RENJUN- You know, Yunhee asked me one day, what I was scared of the most. I couldn't answer. Well, what I'm scared of the most is that she'll grow up and.. and all she'll think of her childhood would be a nightmare. I hate to think of it, but I know, when she grows up she'll hate me. She'll hate literally everything about me and the childhood I gave her. My own life has been a nightmare, and probably, I'll ruin hers too. I don't want to do that. But I don't know what I'm doing-- I know I'll mess up, Hyuck. I know I will.

Haechan gently patted Renjun's shoulder.

HAECHAN- Bro, you are doing.. great. Believe me. And contrary to what you think, Yunhee will grow up very well, and I bet she'll look at you as a hero.
HAECHAN- I mean, what young guy has the courage to take care of a young child? You let go of your dream, your aspirations, so selflessly. So selflessly that I couldn't even understand how. I know I'd chicken out. You are doing just fine. Don't worry about it. She'll grow up, very, very well. And I hate being wrong, so what I'm saying is definitely correct. 

Renjun wiped of his tears and looked at the speaker. They had been friends for God knows how long. As friends, they would always fight and bicker, but few moments like these made Renjun realize how much he actually owed to Haechan. To say for the least, he might've been the only one who did not judge him, who did not question him. He trusted him deeply, and had unspeakable amount of gratitude for him. 

To cheer the guy up, Haechan decided to change the topic. 

HAECHAN- I still can't get to the senses that Yunhee drew this. I mean, I'm about 15 years older than her and all I can draw is a stick figure with that square house in the background. Also, those mountains with the sun peaking through them. I think she got it from you.
HAECHAN- Oh puh-lease don't play dumb. You are an amazing artist. Plus, you are working as a graphic designer for a multinational company at the age of 21! I don't suppose any further reasoning is required.

Renjun let out a long sigh. 

RENJUN- You got to remember that it wasn't what I wanted to do. I had to, because that was the only thing I could do. And about the getting it from me part..

How can she get something from me when I'm not even her real father?


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