Chapter 41 - Christmas at the Burrow

Start from the beginning

"We should get going soon," Milena finally said, motioning to the clock on the wall.

"Yeah, mum'll be worried if we take too much longer," Fred agreed, standing up.

"Ah well, we oughta be getting to bed soon too," Mrs. Carter said, standing from her own seat. "Got an early start tomorrow if we want to get to my sister's before Christmas Eve."

"Tell Aunt Elise I said Merry Christmas!" Milena requested. Her mother smiled and nodded.

Everyone crowded around the front door as Fred and Milena pulled their coats and shoes back on. Her mother was holding a gift bag with their little presents in them and a wrapped one for them to give to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley from them as well. Milena was sure it was more of her mother's fudge.

The pair stepped outside after their many goodbyes and endless hugs and kisses from Milena's parents. Her parents stood at the doorstep and watched as Milena took Fred's arm again and they spun on the spot with all of their gifts and disappeared into the night.

With a yank and another squeeze, they were now standing just down a little dirt road from the Burrow where they could see the lights shining through the many windows that scattered unevenly along the house.

"Ready for the rest of your Christmas to be nice and loud?" Fred asked with a smile.

"Always am." Milena smiled back as she tugged him along down the dirt road.

They came to the little gate and fences that lined the perimeter of the land and stepped through it, continuing up to the house where they could hear plenty of people still laughing and chatting away. Fred opened the door for Milena and bowed to her, making her roll her eyes to try and hide her blush. Everyone was scattered around the main floor, most people in the living room or still sitting around the kitchen table, but all seemed in good spirits. Almost every Weasley was here, apart from Percy who was still avoiding his family like the plague, along with Harry, Hermione, and Fleur who Milena found out from Fred was now engaged to Bill.

"Don't worry, I'm here!" Fred called out over all the chatter. "The party can start now!"

Ginny looked up to see her brother's dramatics, but her eyes fell on Milena and lit up.

"Milly!" She yelled, jumping up from her seat on the couch and running at Milena.

She pulled Milena into a tight hug, barely giving her anytime to react and hug her back.

"Go ahead, hug Milena, I'm only your brother after all." Fred said sarcastically. Ginny let go of Milena and turned to Fred.

"Oh come here, ya git." Ginny laughed, going to hug Fred as well.

Everyone else greeted them, Hermione and Mrs. Weasley both came to give them hugs and the rest shouted their welcomes as they joined the crowd around the couches.

The sleeping arrangements for everyone had been changed around since the last time Milena had stayed at the Burrow because of the number of people who were staying for Christmas. Charlie would still have his room when he arrived and Bill and Fleur had been put into Bill's old room. Harry, Ron, and George were in Fred and George's old room. Hermione and Ginny were still in Ginny's room. To Milena's surprise though, Mrs. Weasley had set up Percy's old room for Fred and Milena to stay in, rather than Milena being with Ginny and Hermione like usual.

Of course, Fred decided to make multiple jokes and gestures quietly to Milena and Mrs. Weasley caught a few. She warned him that she would put him in the attic with the ghoul if he kept it up. He was a little quieter after that, but it didn't stop him from teasing Milena whenever no one was looking.

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