"When those people came to the house," he said slowly. "We thought that there were seven of them, so when Dad had dealt with them he came to make sure that me and Mum were alright. It turned out that there was another one who managed to stay hidden. He was behind Dad and he was going to attack him... I didn't have my wand so just did what I could, I used Legilimency."

Y/N paused to see if Hermione was going to say anything but she stayed quiet to let him finish.

"I didn't mean to do it." he said. "It happened before I'd even realised what I was doing. I couldn't let him hurt them."

Y/N paused again.

"I killed him, Hermione."

Hermione looked at him wide-eyed.

"You killed him?" she said.

"It wasn't on purpose." replied Y/N in a whisper.

Hermione was quiet and Y/N didn't know what she was thinking. A few seconds later she spoke again.

"If you think this will change how I feel about you, you're wrong." she said. "Knowing who your grandparents are didn't change anything and neither will this. Nothing will."

Y/N looked at her and the feeling he'd had for the past year rose up inside him. He felt like nothing could ever go wrong if this feeling stayed with him.

"Come on, the train is going to leave." said Hermione, taking his hand.

She went to leave but Y/N pulled her back and gazed into her eyes.

"I love you." he said.

Tears welled up in Hermione's eyes and she embraced him tightly.

"I love you too." she whispered.

Together they boarded the Hogwarts Express and found Harry and Ron in a cabin near the back with a man sleeping quietly beside them.

"Took you long enough." said Ron. "We thought you weren't going to make it."

The two lovers sat down, their hands intertwining under the table. Y/N responded.

"We've all left it later." he said, then turning his attention to the man in the compartment.

He looked relatively young but life had not treated him well. His clothes were shabby and even in his slumber he looked exhausted. Grey hair was spattered throughout his light-brown hair.

"Who d'you reckon it is?" said Ron quietly.

"Professor R.J Lupin." whispered Hermione immediately.

Y/N looked at her, surprised, then saw the trunk which had the name printed on it. Ron clearly hadn't noticed it and questioned Hermione. She pointed out the case in the overhead compartment, it looked even shabbier than its owner.

"I recognise the name." said Y/N.

"Where from?" asked Hermione.

"Dad's mentioned him a few times. I think they were friends at school, they worked together during the war."

"Hopefully that means he'll be good at Defence Against the Dark Arts." said Hermione. "We're due someone that's not woeful."

Y/N remembered back on the last two years, both the previous DADA professors had proved useless. The better of which had the literal Dark Lord protruding from his head.

"I'm not sure," said Ron sceptically. "He looks as though one good jinx might finish him off."

"Maybe that's why he's come to Hogwarts? A break from fighting the Dark Arts?" said Y/N hopefully.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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