3) The Sorting

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People poured out of the train, all dressed in their Hogwarts robes when we were met by a giant man with messy black hair and a huge coat. He was bellowing to make sure that everyone could hear him.

"Right then, firs' years this way. Come on, quickly, don't fall behind. Everybody get moving."

I saw Harry approaching the giant which made me assume he knew who he was but I was still looking one person in particular. It wasn't long before I saw a head of brown, bushy hair and I made my way over to her

"Are you alright?" I asked her "Ron isn't usually like that. I don't know what got into him."

"Yes I'm alright, thank you for defending me though."

"Of course I'd defend you, you're my best friend."

She smiled so wide at this it almost touched her ears and she pulled me into another strong hug. This time she didn't apologise and held it for much longer.

"Come on, everyone is getting on the boats now. We'll be left behind if we don't go now" I told her.

Her face dropped and she rushed off towards the man who I know knew was Hagrid after overhearing Harry. She was almost pulling my arm out of its socket.

"Everyone here, alrigh', off we go" Hagrid shouted.

"Wait, hang on" I shouted back

"Sorry folks, looks like we've got a few stragglers. Get a move on you two, find a boat quickly!" he called out.

As we went to a boat we passed Ron and Harry. Harry was looking wide-eyed at the ancient castle but Ron stared at us as we walked.

We got in the boat which was being shared with a pair of twins who were talking happily to each other.

"Sorry about that." she said in embarrassment.

"Don't worry, they wouldn't have actually left us behind. I think."

The journey to the school didn't take long but it was certainly interesting. When me and Hermione hopped out we were curious about the lake we had crossed.

"I wonder if you get to see the things that live in there very often?" Hermione asked me

"I hope so, my dad said he got to see the giant squid a few times"

"Yeah just don't want to get too close a look." She joked. "I wonder what else is in there"

"Yeah." I said chuckling "I'll ask my dad if the squid's got any friends"

She laughed and then we heard a shout of "Trevor" so we assumed that Neville had finally found his toad.

The door in front of us swung open and we were met with an old stern looking witch who Hermione and I recognised instantly.

"That must be Professor McGonagall" We whispered to each other

"She's head of Gryffindor house" Hermione added

"And deputy head"

We smiled at each other.

McGonagall then addressed the students and motioned for us to follow.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, soon, the start-of-term banquet will begin, but first you will be sorted into your houses. This is a very important process because during your time at Hogwarts they will be like your second family. You will spend spare time in the common room with your housemates, you will be in lessons with others from your house and your will sleep in your house dorms. The ceremony will begin shortly in front of the school so I suggest you clean yourselves up."

The Telepath: A Hermione Granger x Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now