27) The Secret Diary

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For several long weeks Hermione was stuck inside of the hospital wing. Y/N had visited her everyday bringing with him that day's work. Hermione had insisted that he do it to ensure that she was kept up to date. Luckily, they got through it quickly, leaving them with plenty of time to chat before Madam Pomfrey forced Y/N to leave.

Y/N was bringing the day's work to Hermione but found her asleep. There was a new card on the table next to the bed, it stood out from the other 'get well soon' cards as it was a bright purple with flashing lights.

Y/N placed down the new work and Hermione began to stir. Y/N picked up the new card. He didn't need to open it to know who it was from.

"Good afternoon Y/N." said Hermione groggily.

"Good afternoon 'Mione." replied Y/N. "Was this card here this morning, I don't remember seeing it?"

"No, I don't remember it, Lockhart must have brought it in whilst I was sleeping." said Hermione.

"Incendio." muttered Y/N angrily.

The card incinerated in a flash of fire and Y/N pushed the ashes into the bin.

"There isn't much work so we can start later." said Y/N. "How are you feeling?"

"Better, I just wish I could be out of this room, I feel like I've spent a lifetime in here."

"Well, there's not too long left. I hope you're not back in here again, I hate it."

"I should be alright, but-"

"Hey, what did I say? I promise I won't let anything bad happen to you." said Y/N, looking into Hermione's eyes.

Suddenly there was a sound from the opposite end of the hospital wing and Madam Pomfrey came sweeping in.

"Sorry Mr L/N, you'll have to go now." she said firmly.

"What, why?!" exclaimed Y/N

"I need to give Miss Granger her last dose of medicine, this one's particularly nasty-"

"Maybe I should stay then." he said, unconvinced.

*Do you know what this is about?* Y/N asked Hermione in her head.

*No idea.*

"Mr L/N, I'm afraid you'll have to go." repeated Madam Pomfrey.

"OK." said Y/N apprehensively

Madmam Pomfrey was approaching quickly with potion in hand.

"I'll see you tomorrow." said Y/N hugging Hermione lightly.

Y/N left the hospital and began his return to the Gryffindor common room. He was just about to turn a corner when he heard an angry outburst from Filch.

"... even more work for me! Mopping all night, like I haven't got enough to do! No, this is the final straw, I'm going to Dumbledore!"

There was a loud door slam and Y/N poked his head around the corner. Filch had been patrolling his usual post - the corridor in which Mrs Norris had been attacked.

However, this time there was enormous pool of water forming outside of Myrtle's bathroom. From inside could be heard the wails of the female ghost.

"Oh, brilliant." said Y/N to himself, deciding that he had better see what had happened.

Y/N stepped through the puddle making sure to keep his robes above his ankles and pushed the door open. As he entered, the screams became even louder and know he could tell they were coming from Myrtle's usual cubicle.

The Telepath: A Hermione Granger x Male Reader StoryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora