Distant hearts

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Yu had just arrived at the market streets , his primary intention was finding a part-time job , if only to meet people and establish a confidant with them . The weather was sunny and beautiful , so more people where out in the streets than usual , some housewives talking about the prices of groceries , students talking about the lessons they received that day , and children running around the streets. Yu passed by the bus stop until he was faced with the gas station , while he still remembered the cringe he felt when he spoke with the gas station attendant on his first day in the town , he thought that was a good place to start . As insufferable as he was , that gas station attendant should make an easy person to befriend .

" hm ? Yes , young man ? " an obese man came to see Yu as he approached the station , he asked while scratching his belly " can I help you ? "

" I... uh ... I came here for a part-time job ? "

" part-time ... what now ? " the fat man shrugged in disinterest " we're not hiring anyone ... "

" what ? I ... I thought an employee here said that you do ! "

" hm ... that must've been a while back ... we already have enough employees here "

Yu sighed and left the station , he passed by the tofu shop which was locked , and from the gossiping women on the pavement he heard that the old woman working in there hurt her back so she wasn't working that day . Of course , this should be the ideal opportunity for him to offer her help , but this would mean he had to work alone , and that wouldn't earn him any socializing opportunities. Regardless , he filed this idea in the back of his mind should he find no other jobs in the town . He was still walking through the market when he sensed a movement behind him , but as he turned around quickly he saw no one was behind him . However , he still noticed movement in the alleyway , so he could tell someone had heen following him , and turned around a corner to escape his gaze . He continued walking while being wary of his surroundings more , until he finally  caught a glimpse of his stalker running through the alleyway , and he wasn't going to let them escape . He chased after them as they turned around a corner , but as he was about to turn around it and capture them he heard a strong crushing sound . At the other side of the corner he saw that his stalker had tripped on a trash bin and fell on the ground , but what was more alarming was the identity of his pursuer

" you ... you're Yui's classmate ?" Yu said in disbelief as he realized the girl before him was none other than Setsuna

Setsuna could feel the pounding of her heart against her chest and even in her neck , as she was faced with the one and only serial killer

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Setsuna could feel the pounding of her heart against her chest and even in her neck , as she was faced with the one and only serial killer . She frantically stood back up , her eyes locked on Yu's , expecting any reaction from him and preemptively considering it hostility . Just looking at him reminded her of the confrontation she and Yui had against him in the world inside the TV , so she kept her hand close to her phone in her pocket , ready to signal her friends that she was in danger . However , Yu himself seemed more perplexed than irate , he couldn't decide which was weirder : how Setsuna stumbled onto the trash in the alleyway , or the possibility that she had been stalking him .

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