Through the looking glass - Part I

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It was midnight when Mr. Dojima finally returned to the precinct , by then he was too tired to make sense of his surrounding, but he still somehow managed to reach his office . There , Adachi was waiting for him , he gave him a glass of water as the tired detective collapsed on his seat . Between the thick fog , the newspaper reporters trying to make sense of the incident, the townspeople gossiping , and the curious high school students , Mr. Dojima was feeling one migraine after the other .

" I drove your cousin home after recording her testimony " Adachi said hesitantly " she ... she was your cousin , wasn't she ? "

" she was my niece... " Mr. Dojima cluthced his head forcefully , as if he was trying to itch his skull " the poor kid can't catch a break even in this town ... she's only arrived here yesterday , and now she got to witness such a horrendous crime "

" uh ... what ? "

" any further information about the suspect ? "

" I ... well ... no ... " Adachi thought he could see Mr. Dojima's face turn redder with anger at the disappointing result " well ... uh ... some officers at the precinct ... think it's that arsonist ... you know ... the one who used to set houses on fire in Inaba ... and killed a child because he was a witness , or so we believe "

" that's what the tabloids are saying ! " Mr. Dojima slammed his hand on the table " I nearly lost it trying to make them understand that the arsonist was caught and tried for his crimes YEARS AGO !!! I don't need to hear that nonsense from you , too , Adachi ! "

" I ... I know that ! That's exactly what I told those officers here , too ! "

" ugh ... hanging a body from a telephone pole ... and in such a state , no less ... " Mr. Dojima let his head rest on his hand , he could feel the throbbing in his head from all the mental strain he had been going through the whole day " just what the hell kind of a killer are we dealing with here ?!! "

 Dojima let his head rest on his hand , he could feel the throbbing in his head from all the mental strain he had been going through the whole day " just what the hell kind of a killer are we dealing with here ?!! "

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

The next morning rolled around , and once again Yui decided to leave on her own , only to get lost ... again ...

Her ego simply didn't allow her to be seen with her cousin , but at the same time she couldn't find her way through the bland town if her life depended on it . She walked through the small streets between the houses , only to find herself at the small train station . She tried again , only to end up near a small mall . The frustration was welling up inside her more and more , and she felt like she would explode at any second . She could neither go back home nor go to school , she was hopelessly lost .

" I'm such an idiot ... I should've just walked to school with that pervert " Yui grumbled , as she tried to hold back the tears of frustration and despair

" LOOK OUT !!! "

Yui didn't react in time , she only had enough time to see a student on a bike charging toward her in insane speed . The student's bike seemed completely out of control , as it charged through the street between bystanders , children and even cars , before finally colliding with Yui . Yui looked at the student who charged at her with his bike , who had fallen face-first inside a garbage bin . The  despair of getting lost in two consecutive days , the frustration of knowing her cousin would most likely act smug about it , and the last straw being that freakish accident , with everyone staring at their mess. It was all welling up in Yui's heart , and she was ready to take it all on the student who ran her over . However , seeing him squirming in that pitiful state , while being stuck inside the garbage bin softened her heart a little. Against her anger , and terrible smell of the trash , she helped the student back on his feet .

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