A new lead - Part II

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Mr. Dojima was in the precinct parking lot, surrounded by civilian cars and motorcycles that officers used on their everyday life. This was one of the times in every day that thinking tended to wear him out, and to cope with that he would walk to an open area to have a smoke by himself. He allowed his back to kneel against his car while he stared at the pavement of the parking lot, while his mind wandered to the case. The case was already complicated enough when the killer took down Mayumi Yamano, back then Dojima only had the motive of ' jealousy ' as a clue to interrogate Misuzu Hiiragi and was met with her airtight alibi, but now the case seemed far more complicated: a news reporter, a liquor store owner's daughter and an inn manager, just what exactly could link those people together? For a few weeks, it looked to him like the killer was going to target Yukiko as well, but when he went to meet her, all he could learn from her was that she recalled nothing from the previous weeks. The whole case was causing him a migraine even as he had left the precinct to escape the headache.

" oh... there you are " from the entrance to the precinct, detective Adachi stepped out, holding two cups of coffee as he walked toward his superior

" oh... thanks... " he replied wearily as he took the coffee, but as he immediately took a sip from it, he immediately flinched from its heat burning his tongue

" ahaha! Again? You're so deep in thoughts, you need to focus on what you're drinking! " Mr. Adachi laughed at the seemingly repeated occasion, but Mr. Dojima didn't comment on it. At this, he realized his superior was lost in his own world, so he tried to help him out a little " say, did you figure it out? "

" no... I haven't... " he groaned, running his hand through his temple " as far as I can tell... that driver is unrelated "

" I... uh... I meant the serial—"

" ugh! Of course! Of course! There are so many cases to investigate that my brain can't even keep up with them all ! I remember when the only thing I hear about in the whole day was a traffic light violation, when did things change so much?! "

" well... it's been quiet since the arsonist was arrested, so I guess since about a month? "

" a month you say? " Mr. Dojima's face suddenly lit up with anger as the idea of that's when my nephew and niece came to town ! crossed his mind, but he just as quickly shut it, with his forehead buried in his hand, he mumbled " no... I'd already made sure they're not related to the case, what am I doing suspecting them again? "

" your nephew and niece? " Mr. Adachi thought to himself " come to think of it, I did meet the niece... what was her name again? Yui? She told me she thought her cousin was the killer... "

" WHAT ?!! " Mr. Dojima replied with an infuriated shout. Many things angered him about that, but what tipped him over the edge was the nonchalant way he said it, as if it was common knowledge. He quickly tossed the coffee on the ground, shattering the cup, before getting in the face of his subordinate " when the hell was that?! Why didn't you tell me?!! "

" I... I... I didn't? I thought I... I thought I did... " Mr. Adachi fumbled a few words while he tried to back away rom his infuriated superior

" you IMBECILE!!! " Mr. Dojima looked like he was a second away from punching him, but he managed to compose himself in time. He looked around, wondering if anyone heard what he said, he whispered to him " listen... depending on how this turns out, it may ruin the lives of my nephew... unless we establish a solid lead, don't let this slip to anyone else, understand? "

" s—sir! " Mr. Adachi replied with a trembling voice, fearing a punch from Mr. Dojima

" and while you're at it, if you see them in the street, tell them to meet me at home posthaste, am I clear? " Mr. Dojima gave one last order to Mr. Adachi, before he watched him leave to search for Yu. He clutched his head and grumbled " I'm such an idiot... with the nonchalant way he mentioned this, who's to say he didn't accidentally blurt it out in front of other officers... "

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