つづく ...

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Yu opened the door to his cousin, Yui, allowing her to tiptoe inside. It was almost midnight, their uncle and his daughter were already asleep, so they had to keep quiet to not disturb them. Looking outside, the sky was hailing heavy rain, the likes of which they had rarely seen. The two of them looked at each other, silently giving each other reassurance. Yu began chanting " dwellers of the mist, show me what I desire " three times, while Yui held her breath in anticipation as she fixated her troubled gaze on the still surface of the TV. Eventually, light began to shine , as an image began appearing on screen. The light at first was blinding, but as the camera zoomed away from it, it turned out to be a shining star amidst an ocean of stars, below its bright light stood a girl in the endless space, her bare feet were firmly planted in the void, her hands were clasping a microphone and she was humming, her soft voice was like a solemn hymn to no one, as if she was mourning the death of a world that never existed, or a memory that was never meant to be remembered. Though her face was obscured in the shadow of her wavy brunette hair, that hair and her voice all seemed familiar. Before Yu could grasp what made her familiar to him, the space around her began to crack, like the surface of a mirror on the verge of shattering, and indeed it did shatter, sending her plummeting into an endless void of darkness. When the camera finally caught up to her, she was standing amidst a small field of origami tulips, as she slowly stood up, a voice began to narrate her plight.

" a lone maiden finds herself plunged into a mysterious world, an ocean of abstract thoughts and deceptive visuals. Our lone maiden knows not her name nor her past, cannot see her reflection and does not understand herself " the narrator continued, following the girl as she walked through the dark world, a twinkling light would follow her, illuminating places away from her to show girls standing there, watching her, to which the narrator would comment " as she tries to find her way home, she meets other girls who are lost in this world. However, for some reason they seem to know more about her than it seems, and they may not be as friendly as they let out "

" what... what the hell are we watching... ? " Yui said warily, as she could feel the voice of the narrator and the creepy music that accompanied the show gradually feel more uncanny by the second

" shh-! Be quiet! " her cousin whispered sternly

" her tale is quite the intriguing one, wouldn't you say ? " the camera suddenly shifted to the narrator following the girl, but all it showed was a pair of giant yellow eyes in the darkness, and one floating grinning mouth with an eerie set of flawless teeth, that uncanny grin never broke, as the speaker talked without moving the mouth as if the voice was coming from somewhere else " I would sure love to know how it ends, curiosity sure is ... killing ... me ... ". That was the last thing he said, before the broadcasting abruptly ended

" you... you don't think that was... " Yui looked at her cousin warily

" it couldn't have been anyone else " Yu said as he stared at the now dead screen of his TV " that was Rise Kujikawa "

つづく ...


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Yup... sorry about that, but I need to step away from this fanfiction for a while... I plan to come back and publish a new chapter on October 1st if God wills.

I really hope you stay tuned for when I return, we're on such an exciting stage at this moment. We just got the amazing revelation of the possible identity of the serial killer, we had a new party member, and on the horizon Rise Kujikawa, our favorite singer and idol, is about to make her entrance, too ! I really hope you look forward to it!

Anyway, in this break, I'd like your opinion on something... I'm thinking about delaying the introduction of a certain delinquent, I think you know who I'm talking about. He will not be joining the party as early as he does in the game, and that's because I have something in store for him, something akin to what I had for Yukiko, and maybe increasing the romance and shipping potential between him and another person wink nudge... that's as far as I can say without going into spoilers. So tell me, is this a deal breaker for you ? Would you really hate it if that angry troublemaker doesn't show up on time, or is it okay for him to be delayed so ? It's almost set in stone now, but if my readers hate the idea, I'll consider reverting back to the game's calendar.

Anyway, thank you so much for reading this fanfiction, I hope you have had a fantastic time reading it as I had writing it, and we'll reconvene again on October 1st if God wills ... until then stay safe and be happy...

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