" So what is yours ?" Ayanokoji asked me .

" You  can just call me kyo san , a short form of kikyo " I said.

He was kinda shocked .

' wait did he just surprised . No maybe it was a my own imagination '

" What happened ayanokoji kun ?" I asked him.

" No ....it's just feels like I already heard this name some where . I don't clearly remember it " he said still wondering in his thoughts.

' hm ! Did someone in white room also named kyo san but as far I know there was no one in that name in that novel . Or did I miss someone '

I started to think.

" anyways .., Don't you have explanation for it " he asked me.

" actually I don't . I just come with it " i rubbed my head.

" Anyways it's make us similar doesn't it ?! Kiyopon , kyo san our nicknames pronouncing sound is the same "

" Yeah kyo san " he started calling me with a nick name.

" Thank you kiyopon " I also called him.

" So kiyopon today's I'm your older sister as a older sister I don't know what to do. But you can ask me anything I try my best to help you no matter hard " I said.

' I have to let my guard down around down him from now on or he won't believe me '

" Okay kyo san thank you "

I looked at the time .

" Oh my , it was already this late I better get to my room .bye kiyopon I see you in the morning " I waved my hand leave his room.

Ayanokoji also waved his hand.

Ayanokoji pov.

' at first I was just gonna say her way of thinking is slightly deep how think people  in their brain but can't be explained but she then babbling like she want to be my older sister .

Did she described me or mocked me though ??

And kyo san feels weirdly familiar ....

Kyosan means  power, practicality, ambition, success, inspiration and discipline.

It also means have the capacity to change the world for the better and be remembered as a great person.

That name have a greater wisdom hidden In it.

Listening to your intuition and correctly understanding it takes experience that also the meaning of kyosan .

I read it in the astrology book that I bought it in bookstore. Because kushida no kyo san persuade me to know my astrology to find a life partner . I don't know she was curious in that .'

I looked at the door .

' she was the one talking to me and helping me from the first day.

I never considered her as a friend but now I totally consider as a ...

Tool for understanding human feelings.'

Kushida pov.

I'm on the elevator .

I sighed .

' that was awkward but it was good that kiyopon today onwards going to consider me as a frie-'

' congratulations you have been considered as a tool by ayanokoji '

' Way to ruin my mood system '

I'm possessed in classroom of the elite as... kushida ?!?!Where stories live. Discover now