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It was the next day and it was time for you, Infernier, Scorch and Sear to head back to the island you lived on.

"You have everything?" Hiccup asked

Tuffnut and Ruffnut were feeding Scorch and Sear, they were playing a game of tag for it.

"I think so, right Infernier?" You said

"It's gonna be pretty sad seeing you go." Astrid admitted

"Yeah, but we can always meet up at the Defenders Of The Wing Island! We can plan our next big battle there!" Fishlegs smiled

"I'm up for that, Infernier?" You asked

Infernier roared happily.

"I'm totally gonna go to Berk just to brag to dad about how I got to fight alongside you and he didn't." Snotlout shared

Infernier bellowed in amusement while you laughed.

"It's been quite the journey huh?" You said

Stormfly, Barf and Belch, Hookfang, Meatlug and Toothless ran over to Infernier, Sear and Scorch to go say bye and play around with them one last time.

"You guys can always come and visit or send a Terror Mail if you need, the woods doesn't really have a door to close." You said

Infernier roared happily.

"Oh! I forgot! Me and Meatlug retrieved your saddle and dried it! It washed up on the beach!" Fishlegs said

"Thanks Fishlegs! It would've been a real pain to make this again." You smiled

"Anytime!" Fishlegs smiled

"I'd say a week or so we could go to the Defenders Of The Wing Island to plan our next attack on them." Hiccup said

"I guess it's time to go! Bye you three! Bye Y/N!" Astrid exclaimed

You hopped onto Infernier before he took off.

"Let's go Sear and Scorch!" You shouted

You, Infernier, Sear and Scorch flew off into the distance to head back home.

You were excited for another mission since you really wanted to know what your brother had been up to all those years you were gone, your dragons were excited to see the others and learn more about the hunters. Infernier was all about justice while Sear and Scorch only wanted to help people in need.

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