Hard to Let Go Of It- Part 2 Of Dealing with the Sulking Floyd

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Meanwhile, in 2E class, Jade had his eyes lowered as he was worried about Tokaku and Floyd's fight this morning. Somehow, his classmate, Riddle Rosehearts noticed the male behaved not as calmly as he used to act so he approached him to ask his concern.

Riddle   Jade.

Jade  Oh, Riddle. How can I help you with?

Riddle: You've been down for a while I see you. Are you troubled with a problem or something staking?

Jade:  You read through me, Riddle. But it's just the issue that you probably dislike involved.

Riddle:  Then what's the issue about?

Jade: My brother's issue.

Riddle: Floyd?! Now I understood. What did he up to this time? Let me guess, bad mood till he does not want to come to his class?

Jade: You've guessed that right.

Riddle:💧 I was just saying that out of my mouth. So his reason for his bad mood is what?

Jade: He's gotten into a fight with our freshman in the dorm.

Riddle: Doesn't he always pull out a fight?

Jade: Not without a reasonable purpose. After a fight this morning, he became to sulk and wrapped himself in our room for the rest of the day.

Riddle: He's sulking after a fight with a freshman? I can't believe what you said. As far as I've known Floyd is a sophomore fellow, I never knew him to go sulking after a fight with a freshman since he likes to pick on people regardless of their year. Do I not know another fact about him or what's going on with him?

Jade: You know him well as you are his top-tier playlist.

Riddle: (narrowed his eyes) Do you have to mention that in front of me?

Jade: Sorry, my mouth accidentally spilled those words. Back to our topic, you and I know Floyd is a guy who just straight to his punches whenever people piss him off regardless of their strengths and sizes. But when it comes to this freshman, he would just hold back and went along with the freshman.

Riddle: Who is this freshman?

Jade: That is Octavinelle's top secret, I'm sorry to say. Although, the freshman is quite special to Azul, Floyd, and me.

Riddle: Special? Wow, who knows your trio can label a freshman as a special guest.

Jade: I get it that you see us as three people who only made concern about our undermen when they beg us for mercy.

Riddle:(mumble) Woah, you admitted that frankly.

Jade: But this freshman meant so much to us. In other words, the freshman is very valuable to us. Since it is very valuable, we cherish the freshman regardless of his past and cold temper.

Riddle: I see... It appears my perception of you three is a little wrong. I never thought you three would care so much for this freshman you valued. What's the deal anyway?

Jade: Nothing much but a long story to make it clear to you. However, I can simplify it to assume our reason to care for the freshman is that the freshman has become part of us three since the time he enrolled. Moreover, I do believe that the freshman is scintillating and can be another reason we cherished him so much.

Riddle: Woah, I wouldn't expect you three to have that in you. Anyway, about Floyd fighting with that freshman of yours, what happened between them?

Jade: I assume that it was Floyd's fault for turning them into a fight. He stated that it was our freshman's fault for not being around in the dorm as our freshman was busy finishing up his homework yesterday. So our freshman who has been patient and holding back with his tantrum exploded on him. That's the story of how I can explain based on their situation.

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