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"Mom, my friend is here to visit you" Vinny opened the door.

His mom looked up at her son's friends entering.

"It's nice to meet you" June smiled.

Vinny's mom gently "Oh my! Your guys don't need to come here".

"Please, we want to" Minu smiled lightly.

Vinny approached and helped his mom sit up slowly.

While Dom chats with Vinny's mom, Jay and Shelly go to wash fruit.

She happily observes those children and feels very happy that her son has such good friends.

"If I'm not mistaken... is this boy Minu right?" She asked and looked at her son.

Vinny nodded and held her hand. "It's him, mom".

She gently bowed to Minu "Thank you so much... we owe you too much".

Minu quickly helped her sit up straight, feeling embarrassed when an adult do that.

"Please don't say that!" Minu said "Vinny is my friend and I really want to help him".

Vinny's mom was touched "Hearing these words from you makes me feel very happy".

Everyone smiled at each other and continued to chat until the door opened.

She warmly smiled "Oh dear! She's here".

"Hello everyone!" Yumi walked in.


Leave the hospital and go home. The cold wind blew making everyone shiver.

"So glad she's better now" June said to his friends.

Minu nodded "Yeah! Vinny smile a lot today".

"It's good for him! But I still can't believe that girl is Vinny's girlfriend" Dom confused.

Shelly shrugged "I'm not surprised at all actually".

"So you talk to her before?" June asked her.

"No" Shelly giggle "I saw those two dating once".

"Not only that, we even raced with her Crew before" Jay remembered.

Dom understands "Oh...".

"Well I'm glad for Vinny, see how happy he is now!" Minu overjoyed.

June nodded "You're right!".

Walking slowly together, Dom watched his friends.

He thinks about the upcoming race and remembers the times they rode bikes together.

Dom sadly said "It's a pity that you can't join us in this race, Minu".

Everyone nodded in agreement and looked at Minu.

Minu put his arm around Dom's shoulder "Come on, next time there's a chance! Beside... I still can't ride a bike right now".

"That's right, you just got out of the hospital... need to rest more" Shelly worried.

Minu smiled at Jay "When I can ride the bike again... the first person I want to race with is you!".

Jay promised "Okay!".

"What about me?" Dom punched Minu shoulder.

Minu laughed at his friend "Yeah yeah, you too!".

All of them laughed hard together while still joking around.

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