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At the park, the group panicked when they heard Shelly tell what happen to her at school.

"How dare he do that!" Dom angrily.

June shook his head while feeling annoyed. This guy is not easy like he thought.

"Is he crazy or something?" June frowns.

Mia worried asked "Did he do anything to you, Shelly?".

"I'm fine, luckily Jay came to rescue me in time" Shelly said.

Vinny watched Jay's expression, thinking about the point of this situation.

He pointed out the problem "It's weird...".

Everyone looked at Vinny with confused eyes.

"What do you mean, Vinny?" June asked.

Vinny serious "Don't you guys notice? That bastard is always looking for Shelly".

Silence envelope everyone until Jay spoke up.

"I have a feeling he's planning something" Jay said coldly.

Vinny thinking "What kind of plan anyway?".

Jay sighed "I don't know! But it's not good".

June looked at Shelly "Then you better be careful, Shelly. Maybe next time he'll look for you again".

"Yeah! I don't think he's simply blocking  your way this time" Mia said to Shelly.

"That's right, if something happens you have to tell us" Dom insisted.

Jay took Shelly's hand "Don't hide it from us".

Seeing their care, Shelly feels warm that she has such great friends and boyfriend.

Shelly smiles "I will!".


Right now at home, Jay's mom sitting on sofa with unhappy face, she looked at the watch and sighed heavily.

Her son hasn't come home yet and she was waiting for him.

Kay watched the TV while glared at his mom knowing her expression was not good, he secretly prayed for his big brother to come home quickly.

"Go back to your room and do your homework, Kay!" She ordered.

Kay looked at his mom "Aren't you going to yell at my brother again?".

"You shouldn't care about that, go to your room now!" She said loudly.

Kay returned to his room quickly, he  hold his phone and about to text his brother but then he heard the door open.

"Oh no..." Kay thought.

She slowly watched her son enter the house and remembered Jay holding the hand of the girl that she saw in the park.

As he walked back to his room, Jay heard his mom say "Come here and sit down, I want to talk to you".

Sitting facing each other, both of them did not open their mouths to speak. Jay just wanted to go back his room so he spoke first.

"What do you want to tell me?" Jay asked.

His mom stared "Are you dating? Is that the girl I saw on TV?".

He's silence but he doesn't deny it.

"If that's the case, break up with her! I told you not to let those things distract you from your studies" She ordered.

Jay said "I don't get distracted at all, my studies are still good, you know that. Besides, don't interfere in my private life anymor, I will still keep my grades as high as you want".

She angrily slammed the table, feeling helpless because she couldn't control her son anymore.

"Are you disobeying me now? You're getting worse and worse" She shouted.

And then Jay's mom just kept yelling at him, made him feel tired of hearing her yell like that. Jay looks straight at his mom with cold eyes.

She scolded "Don't you know how it will affect your grades if you do that?".

"Grades?" Jay said mockingly "Is that all you care about?".

She paused for a moment at her son's sarcastic tone, likes she could feel the pain inside it.

He finally got up and went to his room.

She yelled back "Stand right there! Have I let you go yet?".

"I've always respected you mom... but please stop. Don't make me hate you more" He said calmly and closed the door room.

Hearing her son's words, she suddenly stiffened.

Her son hate her, turns out he has always hated her. But she just wants the best for him, could it be that she did the wrong way.

She knows Jay really loves cycling like Mahon Jo - her brother. He always followed his passion, he followed so hard that he let himself get into those dangerous races.

But then what it return? A terrible past filled with shame that she could never forget. And the most tragic thing is that her brother died because of that passion.

She didn't want Jay to make that same mistake.

Not likes her brother again.

So that why she always tried to be strict with him. But what she didn't expect the most was that it hurt her son and herself.

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