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By the time Jay got home it was already late.

He thought his parents were already asleep but when he walked in the door, he saw them sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Do you know what time it is? Where did you go?" His mom asked coldly.

Jay said "I just went out with my friends".

His dad spoke while watching TV "Next time come home earlier. If you're late again, go to sleep outside".

She looked at her son "And don't get so caught up in playing that you forget to study!".

But in response to them was only silence from their son, Jay glanced at his parents for a moment and went back to his room.

Jay's silence made both of them feel helpless, like their son was becoming more and more distant from them.

"I really don't know what to do with him" Her husband shook his head "I'm tired, I'm going to bed now".

Jay's mom looked at her son's room for a while and then walked back to her bedroom too.

Undressing to step into the bathroom, the cold water refreshes him a bit. Jay closed his eyes thoughtfully thinking about his parents.

Jay's dad is a man of few words and he is also very strict too. The proof is what he said to Jay earlier in the living room.

If Jay can describe himself like his dad in what way, he guesses he resembles him in the part of few words.

His dad barely never at home, he just spends his time at work and that's all. Sometimes he still call Jay's mom or him to ask how the family is and through those calls, Jay thinks his dad still cares.

He guessed so.

And at the end of the week he will come home to stay for a few days, the whole family still eats dinner together. But that's it, literally nothing special.

Since the both of them don't have much contact with each other, maybe that's why he doesn't have much feelings for his dad. But at least Jay doesn't feel uncomfortable around him because he doesn't force him in many things.

Jay's mom is different, she's the complete opposite of his dad.

He and his mom has never been gentle with each other.

They can never talk to each other normally.


Ever since he was a child, she been always strict with him and he has to do what ever his mom wanted.

Deep down he knows she only wants the best for him but that doesn't mean she has the right to decide his life like that.

Sometimes he wondered if his mom ever thought about how he felt or just simply asked him.

Jay sighed heavily and turn off the shower, he wrapped the towel around his waist while opened the door. When he stepping out of the bathroom, he saw his little brother sitting on the bed staring at him.

"Why did you come into my room?" Jay wiped his hair by hand.

His brother said "I want to borrow your Rubik's Cube".

"Here, take it" Jay gave it to him.

"I know you're dating with Shelly" Kay smirked.

Jay frowned "How do you know?".

Kay smiled confident "I just know".

"Did you come into my room just to say that?" Jay glared at Kay.

Kay shrugged his shoulder "Thanks, brother" And walked out of the room.

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