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"Thanks again, Heri" Dom said to his dear sister.

The girl in the blue cap took off her gloves, put her hands on her hips and looked at the two boys in front of her "You're welcome, kiddo! But next time if you break it again, I won't fix it".

Dom chuckled at Heri, she always says that every time he comes here. She screamed, she cursed and of course gave him a painful smack on the head too.

But she will fixes it for him no matter what, that's why he respects her so much and he also understands why June so into her.

"Oh! I almost forgot" Heri looked over at Jay "Come back tomorrow, your bike is almost done".

Jay nodded and said thank you to her, the two then left Heri's bicycle repair shop. Dom felt hungry and suggested going to eat spicy noodles, Jay agreed because he was pretty hungry too.

Walking slowly forward in silence, Jay watched his friend Dom. Since they was at Heri's shop, he's been unusually quiet. 

Normally he would talk nonstop but today he's so quiet, which makes Jay feel very weird.

Jay finally asked him "Did something happen, Dom?".

Dom didn't answer back, only the sound of bicycle ringing in Jay's ears.

"If you don't want to talk...." Jay was cut off before he finished speaking.

"Do you think Yuna likes me?" Dom suddenly asked.

Jay confused "What do you mean?".

Dom continued "I mean in the direction like you and Shelly!".

Silence envelope both of them, Jay really didn't know how to answer his friend "I don't know about that...".

Dom thought sadly, everyone in the group knew that he liked Yuna and even this Eunuch could see it too. But he didn't know if Yuna understood his feelings or not, he had never felt as hopeless as he did now.

He told her many times but not once did Yuna respond to him, he once thought about giving up but couldn't hold back his heart.

Now that Yuna avoids him like that, he's afraid that even their friendship won't last.

Dom sighed "Didn't I make it too obvious? Why can't she see that?".

Jay shrugged awkwardly, maybe Dom didn't realize it but everyone has to admit one thing. It's not just about being obvious, sometimes it's kinda too much actually. 

But Jay won't tell his friends about this, Dom looks pitiful enough already.

"Should I... give up?" The mustache guy asked. 

Seeing his friend like that suddenly made Jay speechless, he doesn't know how to help him either because he's not a cupid or anything. Not to mention that the decision is still up to Yuna, he can't just fly over and force her to dating with Dom.

But being friends with Dom and Minu made him realize a lot of things, they have one thing that makes him quite jealous.

It's being brave in expressing your feelings.

If he hadn't told Shelly how he felt that day, he'd probably regret it for the rest of his life.

So right now Dom is stuck in a similar situation just like him in the past and Jay doesn't want that to happen at all.

"Stop being like that! You should talk seriously to Yuna again" Jay advised him.

"But what if she refuses me?" Dom worried "What if we can't be friends anymore?".

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