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Years had passed since Ella saw Levi for the last time. That morning, she remembered him when the postman handed her a letter in his neat handwriting. It has been a while since the last time she received a letter from the soldier. During all these years she had received some letters from him, but she didn't reply to any of them. She was surprised Levi would keep writing to her. One of those letters was actually for her son, Furlan, who was now a 15-year-old young man with blond-ash hair, he was the spitting image of his father. She had kept the letter for him safe and unopened until the right time. In the letters he wrote for her, Levi used to ask about how they were doing and wondered how tall Furlan was. He always finished his letters with a big "take care", but he never told anything about himself or his achievements. She had never replied back because she didn't know what to say. He was a chapter of her life that ended a long time ago, and she couldn't allow that page to open again. That is why instead of opening the new letter, she placed it on the table until it ended up covered by other items and Ella eventually forgot about it. 

"Mum!" Furlan called from the other room.  

"What is it, love?" She asked while she continued doing her tasks. 

"What is this?!" He said angrily, holding a piece of paper in his hand. Ella took a second to examine what he was holding, her sight was deteriorating.

"Where did you get that?" She asked him as she stood up. 

"It was left behind on the table, it is from Levi. You were not even going to open it, were you?" The boy said. 

"That is none of your business, young man. Why did you open my mail without permission?" 

"Because I knew you wouldn't do it. It is important, you know?" 

"Give me that letter, Furlan. And go to your room!" She ordered. The teenager obeyed his mother, but not before making a quick comment. 

"I don't know what happened between you two, but you really need to sort it out." He said before leaving. Ella waited until her son left the room to take a look at the letter she was holding in her hands.

"Dear Ella, 

I don't expect you to reply to this letter just like the other ones I sent to you during all these years, but I do hope at least you read it. Even if you don't, I am sure this terrible news will reach you sooner or later. 

Wall Maria has been breached and titans are coming through. What we once feared is finally happening and I need you to be safe and get ready in case things get out of hand. We are making as much as we can to control the situation, but this is critical. People are dying and whole villages have been destroyed, forcing people to evacuate their homes. I know this is very far from your home but be prepared for the worst. 

I hope you and Furlan are safe. You know you can always count on me. 

Yours truly, 


This was big. The Walls have been breached? But how? She remembered the first time she saw the walls proudly erected the day she ran away with Levi from the Underground. She could have never imagined this would happen. She had not heard about this, so this was probably a very recent event. Just like Levi said, Wall Maria was very far from where they were, but they had to get ready just in case. After processing all the information in that letter, she went to Furlan's room, knocking gently at his door.

"Can I come in?" She asked softly. 

Furlan was laying on his bed, facing the wall. He was still upset. She sat on the bed next to him, touching his hair softly. The boy shivered at the calming feeling of his mother's hand on his hair. Furlan was not an innocent kid anymore, he was still young, but he was as tall as his father once was. Many times, he had asked his mother about his dear uncle Levi back when he was a kid, but he never received a real answer. Now that he was older, he knew that something else had happened between them, but he never dared to ask. He was upset at his mother for taking his uncle away from him, but he couldn't blame her for that, after all, Ella did an excellent job taking care of him on her own and he appreciated that, she was his mother despite everything. 

THE PROMISE YOU MADE|| {Levi x Furlan x OC Fem}Where stories live. Discover now