42. Routine **

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A/N: Lemon warning

It had almost become a ritual. After a long day of hard training in the fields, the only thing that he wanted when he returned home was to get lost in her arms, to feel her close to him, to fuck her until her legs ache. He always wanted her so badly, needed her so badly. On the other hand, Ella was always awaiting the time for Levi to come back. Every night after dinner and putting the baby to sleep, they would lose themselves in each other's body, filling the room with moans until the next morning. They were becoming addicted to each other, almost in a sickish way. But was it love, or it was more like a solution to their problems? They were the drug they needed to keep breathing, to escape from reality, for Levi it was the closest feeling to joy. For Ella, on the other hand, it was the most similar feeling to what she once had felt. Ella had offered him the guest room on the main floor nevertheless, he never got to use that bed. Since he moved back, there wasn't a night they would not spend together.

The hardest part was when he was sent on long expeditions, then Ella would miss his company, making the days freeze until his awaited return. She was now used to having someone to warm the bed for her and she liked that, although she had thought she would never feel it again after Furlan passed. More than once, Ella had wondered if she was doing the right thing. She enjoyed the attention she got from Levi, his touch and his company, but she got scared every time she realised she was falling for him. She knew her feelings for Levi were growing, but she was still in love with Furlan. She couldn't avoid thinking about Furlan, the father of her son, her first love, that appeared so suddenly in her life and that was taken from her so unfairly. She was a mess. The nights on her own she would spend them crying until her eyes dried up, and then she couldn't even remember who she had cried initially for. Her only comfort on those nights was the soft breaths of her baby sleeping next to her. 

Levi returned home on a windy autumn day. She didn't expect him, she never did but once she saw him, her heart would feel relieved to know he was safe. That same night, they were lying on the bed naked, enjoying the intimate moment right after climax. Their minds and bodies were relaxed and the only noise that filled the room was their heavy breaths becoming regular.  Ella's head was resting on his chest as he traced circles with his index finger on her shoulder softly when Ella asked him again.

"You never answered my question..." She said quietly. 


"I said you never answered my question." She insisted.

"And what question is that?" He asked as a yawn left his lips.

"Do you still love me?" She asked bluntly, avoiding his eyes as she feared his answer. Levi stopped caressing her arm and turned around to face her. Even though it was dark, she could feel his cold eyes on hers, she gulped nervously. 

"You should already know that I never stopped loving you, Ella." 

After he had said those words, he pressed his lips firmly on her forehead as if he was sealing his words with actions. Ella knew that Levi was not a man of words and much less of emotions, but she knew for a fact that he was saying the truth by the way he spoke. His actions always spoke for him. She never thought Levi was capable of something such as love, but you should never judge a book by its cover. That answer was more than what she expected to hear. She felt safe and loved in his arms, but there was nothing like getting a verbal confirmation of his feelings. Without saying a word, she got closer to him, burying her face in his bare chest, feeling the warmth radiating through his skin, listening to the calming sound of his heartbeat. At that moment she realised she was happy, with a tear in the corner of her eye and a silly smile on her face, Ella fell asleep in his arms.

During his days off, Levi used to help Ella with the house chores and also some tasks outside. Now that winter was coming, he wanted to make sure that the house was warm for them, so he used to work on the house insulation. He also helped some of the neighbour houses. Even though he was not the friendliest person, everyone in the village appreciated him and he quickly became quite popular among the ladies of the village. When he was not busy, he used to play with Furlan. He would have never imagined being this close with a kid, but this one was definitely special and he loved him above all things. Little did little Furlan know that he was the only one who could make Levi smile. The image of Levi playing with her son warmed up Ella's heart. She was happy again, but it did never last long. Levi had been called to go on an expedition again. Throughout the following years, Ella thought she would get used to his missions, but it never got any easier. It was difficult to not know where he was, not knowing when he would return and if he would. She knew his duty was important for society but also for him. However, it was not easy for Ella. She used to get sick during his absence and on some days she would worry to death, fearing that Levi would suffer the same fate as her first love during one of his missions.

Word count: 980

A shorter chapter today but I hope you guys enjoy this one. All the villagers fangirling over Levi lol

THE PROMISE YOU MADE|| {Levi x Furlan x OC Fem}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt