23. New job

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"I still can't believe this has been offered to us..." Furlan commented to the group.

"I know. Too good to be true." Levi added. Both men looked at each other, they both were thinking the same. They had worked together before in many different situations, but this one was by far the riskier one.

"Well, I think this will be a piece of cake for us. We are the best thugs in the whole Underground!" Isabel said arrogantly. The two men ignored her comment and focused on how to approach the whole situation.

"Hey, what is all this commotion for?" Ella asked entering the room where the trio was with drinks for everyone. Furlan and Levi remained silent before giving Ella an explanation, but Isabel was quicker than them.

"We just got offered the job of our life, Ella!" She exclaimed excitedly." And as soon as we are done, we will all be living on the surface as rightful citizens." She continued. Furlan paled and Levi passed his hand through his face in despair after she spoke. Isabel had many good things, but not knowing when to remain shut wasn't one of them.

"That surely sounds attractive, but don't you all think this sounds too good to be true?" Ella asked cautiously looking at both men.

"Don't mind her. She is speaking ahead of herself." Levi pointed out. "We are still processing the whole thing. " He continued.

"Still?" Ella asked raising her brow and looking at him. She put her arms on her hips, waiting for another explanation.

"What Levi is trying to say is that we do not know yet what we are going to do. So, we want to weigh all the options before making a decision." Furlan intervened quickly before the matter would be out of their hands.

"So tell me, what do you have to do?"


The three friends explained in detail the instructions they had received from the mysterious man, including the rewards promised if successful. Isabel's eyes shone while listening to the ambitious prizes, it was way more than what a young girl her age could ever imagine. Ella however, was warier about the whole thing and Furlan noticed that she was not very convinced about this new opportunity.

"So, basically you are telling me that they are offering you citizenship above ground and a large sum of money just to retrieve a piece of paper?" Ella asked sceptically. "I don't know guys, but it just sounds dodgy to me." Isabel sighed disappointedly when hearing Ella's disagreement with something she was really excited about. 

"I know we need the money, and we are almost getting there but let's continue doing it our way." She insisted desperately, she did not want them to go on a suicidal mission like this one.

"Sweatheart, the prices continue rising day after day. There is no way we will ever make it and now it is four of us." Furlan explained reasonably. He usually was an optimistic person but for the first time, he realised they would not make it above without this mission.

"But we can sell whatever we have left... My brooch!" She exclaimed taking her hand to her neck, palpating the crimson accessory Furlan retrieved for her. "I know it is valuable, we can make money with it." She continued, looking for desperate solutions.

"There is more though..." Furlan added. "They already took Yan. He said they will find him a good hospital to treat him as a way of payment." Ella took her hand to her mouth, worried.

"They are using him as leverage." Levi said upset. "This way, they will get us to do what they want without resistance in exchange for his life. He is no more than a hostage." 

"What Levi is trying to say is that we have no other choice, Ella." Furlan explained. "If we refuse, they will kill him. But if we do, not only he will be getting treatment for his leg, but we will finally get what we always wanted." Furlan said more convincing. Ella was still hesitant; she did not expect someone to make such a generous offer for just a piece of paper.

"So, you really don't have other option..." She said sadly, realising the upcoming risks. "But what if is all a lie? Don't you all see it? You are putting your lives at risk, and you don't know this man or if he will keep his promise." She said with watery eyes. This time was Levi who interrupted her.

"In that case, we just need to make sure they are keeping their part of the deal. Furlan, try to find out where they are sending Yan." Levi said authoritarian. Furlan nodded obediently to his friend. "The decision is taken. Let's all get ready."

Words count: 798


Things are starting to get messier...Short chapter for you guys!!What did you think about this one?I am not mentally ready for what is coming :(

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