29. Secret **

35 2 11

A/N: Lemon warning

That same night, Levi couldn't fall asleep. It was true that he suffered from insomnia which would not allow him to sleep much anyway but, that night wasn't insomnia but Ella's question, 

"did they suffer? "

As much as he tried to think they didn't, he was certain that his best friends suffered a terrible fate, and their deaths were far from pleasant. Since the day they died, Levi had tried erasing those images from his mind. Isabel's red-haired head on the wet ground and his useless attempt to get Furlan alive out of the titan's mouth. Why didn't he die too? That would have been easier. Eventually, Ella would have more questions and would demand answers, and Levi was not sure if he could bear to tell her. Besides, the woman was stubborn, and it would not be easy to convince her to move to the surface. He had to think of a plan to carry their lives in the best possible way. Tired of overthinking, he took a quick shower to refresh his body. The touch of the cold water on his skin made him release the accumulated tension he was dealing with for the last months.

After the late shower, he went to the kitchen to prepare a cup of tea. On his way, he found Ella sleeping peacefully on the couch. He sat next to her and observed her quietly. An image of Furlan sleeping on the same couch when she first moved in before they formalised their relationship came to his mind. "Those were the easy times, and we didn't know it." He thought to himself. A wave of nostalgia invaded his body. His thoughts were interrupted when Ella sneezed in her sleep. He found the blanket on the floor and covered her with it gently. Moved by compassion, he petted her head tenderly.

"Furlan?" She mumbled in her sleep. Levi removed his hand nervously.

There was something about her that always kept him intrigued from the very beginning. He regretted those times in which he made her life more difficult than it already was despite Furlan's attempts for him to leave her alone. In the end, neither he nor she were so different from the other. They both lost their families and their loved ones. She was all he had left, and whether she liked it or not, he was also all she had. They had no other option but to support each other.

The next morning, Ella woke up in the same place as always but was confused to find Levi sitting next to her. She looked at him curiously and realised that he was still deeply asleep. She wondered what would have made him come down to fall asleep right there. She took a moment to look at him. When he was sleeping, it seemed to be the only time of the day in which he was in peace. His facial muscles were relaxed, and the angry expression would disappear giving place to a more peaceful one. His lips were slightly open, and his neck was tilted backwards showing his Adam's apple in a teasing way. She remembered that time when he stopped her on her way to the bathroom and threaten her in a provocative way, back then she was scared of him and never told Furlan what happened but now she did not fear him in fact, she was angry at him for what happened. For her, he was the only one to blame. Levi's regular breaths made her come back to reality, to the living room where they were and forget about their argument the night before.

"Are you done staring at me?" Levi suddenly said with a husky voice. He just woke up. Ella's face turned red and looked away.

"You look calm when you sleep." She replied. She was tempted to ask him why was he on the couch, but she decided it was better to not mention it.

The day passed by slowly for the two of them but at least now she was willing to do things and every so often, she would talk when needed but not in the nicest tone. Levi understood she was upset with him and probably will be like that for a long time. She wouldn't forgive him that easily. On the other hand, he was also upset but not with her even after the awful things she said to him. He was upset with himself for letting the situation escape from his hands and not being able to control his temper with her. They never actually had a close relationship like they had with the other two, but now that she was progressing slowly maybe they could start again. Days passed by and Ella wouldn't tell him an answer about moving above, and every day he was getting more impatient. Since the day she left the house, Levi was unsure about leaving her on her own in case she would do something stupid, so whenever he had to go somewhere, he would persuade her to come along, she always accepted reluctantly, but that was better than nothing. He believed she hated being around him, he couldn't blame her, he hated being around himself too.

THE PROMISE YOU MADE|| {Levi x Furlan x OC Fem}Where stories live. Discover now