36. Furlan

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Nina walked the soldier to Ella's room in complete silence to not disturb the newborn. She knocked at her door gently, but Levi moved her aside and made his way to her room, he seemed stressed. He found mother and son sleeping peacefully in her bed. He walked towards them, making no noise to not wake them up and stood in front of them, staring at the sweet moment that Ella and her new baby were sharing. Even though they had known each other for hours, their bond was already strong and inseparable. When he looked back at Ella, he noticed a soft smile on her face, still fast asleep. His heart melted and he suddenly felt a joy like he had never felt before. Nine walked towards him and stood by his side in silence, crossing her arms over her chest. The pair didn't share a word, they just stood by the bed, admiring the miracle of life. 

"He should be the one seeing this, not me." He commented under his breath. Nina did not say anything back but, she could feel all the pain that he had been through. Suddenly, Ella opened her eyes slowly and looked at them, giving them both a tired smile. Levi kneeled next to her. The woman extended her hand, looking for his. Levi was initially reluctant, but he got closer to her and held her hand. She was calm and happy.

"Congratulations on your healthy boy." He said quietly. 

"I wouldn't have made it without you." She replied before realising the way those words came out, trying to correct herself, embarrassed. "I mean, you took care of me all this time and..." She added nervously. 

"It is ok, I understand what you mean. How are you feeling? I am sorry I could not come quicker."

"I am fine." She answered looking at her friend. "Nina and the women from the village were a great help. I could not have done it without them either." Nina smiled at her comment and then left the room, giving them some privacy. Ella put the blanket down to show the baby to her friend. 

"Look at him, he was just brought to this world, and he is already perfect." She said tenderly, without taking her eyes off her baby boy.

"Perfect just like his mother..." He whispered under his breath however, the blush on her face made him realise that she heard him.

"Have you thought of a name yet?" He asked, ignoring his previous comment. Ella looked at him hesitantly.

"I want to name him after his father, but I am scared of conditioning him to his life..." She admitted shyly.

"Furlan? It suits him, he already has that cheeky smile." He replied, making Ella giggle. After such a long time without having heard her voice during their time together in the underground, her laughter was like the sweetest melody.

"Do not think about that. He will have the life he is given and he also has you to guide him whenever he is lost." The black-haired man reassured her.

"Thank you, Levi. Would you like to hold him?" She offered kindly. Levi hesitated for a second but, the woman had already passed the child to him, making him react oddly. Ella couldn't help but laugh when she saw Levi struggling to hold the baby properly. 

"What is it?" He asked annoyed, still finding the right way to hold the little baby.

"Just the way you are holding him, do not worry, see? He is not crying, he likes you." She explained giggling. 

Levi looked at the baby he was holding in his arms and realised that it was actually the first baby he had ever held. He couldn't say he didn't like it. His skin was clear and he had pinky-chubby cheeks. His head was covered by a soft layer of ash-blonde hair. His eyes were blue just like his father's, but the little one had Ella's nose. His little feet and body were wrapped in a blanket. He was so small, so tiny and vulnerable that Levi swore to himself that he would protect this child with his life. Suddenly, a small pout turned into an energetic cry that startled the soldier, returning the child to his mother.

"Oh...I think someone is hungry"




THE PROMISE YOU MADE|| {Levi x Furlan x OC Fem}Where stories live. Discover now