32. New day new life

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Before the church's bell rang to announce 5 am, Levi was already prepared to go. To his surprise, he did not have to wake Ella up as she was already awake and she had even packed a small bag with all her belongings, which consisted in some old clothes that once were Furlan's and the poem book, her most valuable item. She was wearing Furlan's old cloak, covering her head with the hood. Levi however, was wearing his new uniform to avoid any suspicions. He took her bag and helped her down the stairs, letting Ella hold onto his arm for support. For the last time, Ella turned around to look at the house where she had lived for all that time, in which she had lived with her second family and where had so many memories that will last forever in her heart. Levi however, didn't look back and moved forward towards their new life.

Although it was very early in the morning, some people were already in the streets, especially merchants, preparing for a whole new business day under the dark ceiling of the Underground. Levi's uniform was dragging attention however, nobody will dare to be in the way of a Survey Corps soldier. As Ella was wearing humble clothing and a filthy cloak, she seemed to be escorted by him. Nobody would disturb them on their way to the stair. Ella was getting tired of walking, after all, she was almost due. When they finally arrived at the stair that once belonged to the greedy Nicholas Lovof, Levi showed a letter to the guardian who let them in without problems. With every step, Ella's feelings were intensifying, she was very nervous yet excited. That day would be the first time she would step outside and that was also terrifying for someone who only knew the Underground. The soft sun rays from dawn were filtering through the stairs, making Ella cover her eyes with her hand.

"Wait here." Levi ordered coldly. He climbed to the top of the stairs and Ella could see how he was talking indistinctly to another man. The man gave him something and then Levi came back downstairs to pick her up.

"We are all good to go. Are you ready?" He asked her. Ella looked at him determinately and nodded with confidence. The pair walked slowly towards the end of the stair where the light of the day was more noticeable. Ella realised the man Levi was talking to was wearing the same uniform.

"The horse, as promised." The soldier said passing the reins of the animal to Levi. "And this, too." He announced again passing him now a sealed envelope. Levi examined the document intensely and then thanked the soldier with a subtle bow. Ella, who was just standing there did not understand anything of what was going on nevertheless, she trusted Levi.

"Let's take you home." He said looking at her. He offered her his hand and she stepped outside the stair, where the pure air was flowing. The early morning breeze made her shudder. She walked near the horse and gently touched the animal's neck. It was not the first time she saw one, there were horses in the Underground too however, she had never been that close to one before. When she was done, Levi helped her to climb to the horse's back and, then he jumped before her, taking the reins of the animal.

"I know you shouldn't be riding in your condition, but..."

"The baby and I will be fine. Just take us to our new home." She interrupted. Levi hit the animal decisively, and the horse started moving obediently at his rider. Ella could not stop looking around. Tall buildings with open windows and clothes hanging from strings surrounded the streets. Even though it was quiet, it was already feeling livelier than the dark streets in the Underground. Merchants taking their products to the market, soldiers patrolling the streets, women starting with the first chores of the day, all of them already working under the sun. How fortunate all these people were, yet they did not know, she thought to herself. For us to live here, two of us had to die... Ella was getting distracted by everything she would see around, flower beds decorating the streets, pigeons flying free... she wondered how Ozzy, the little bird was doing. Suddenly, she saw the walls erected proudly and immense, despite the distance. Ella had never seen something like that before. There was no way a man or a titan could climb such a huge wall, was it not?

When they arrived at the edge of the city, they took a small break. The black horse started pasting peacefully in the bushes around. Ella took a second to appreciate the nature around her. Trees and flowers all over the place, she felt that the air she was breathing had healing powers because of its purity. Levi sat next to her and showed her the paper that the soldier had given him before.

"This is the location of your new home." He said pointing with his finger to a point in the map. "Only three people know about it, so trust me, it is a safe place. It is outside the town, but it isn't far." He continued with the explanation. Ella had questions, but she rather waiting until they reached that safe place that she would call home.

"Let's continue. There is still plenty to do." He said. Again, the pair got on the horse and the animal started galloping happily through the valley. Ella held tight to Levi's waist and rested her face on his back, admiring the landscape and the blue sky on top of them. Riding provoked in her the same feeling as flying on the ODM gear, she felt free.

"I just hope he got to see something like this before he died..." She said to herself.

Levi made the horse reduce speed as soon as they approached a quiet hamlet surrounded by a creek. A beautiful old house appeared in front of them, and Ella realised that would be the place where her new life would start. 

Word count: 1030

They made it! They are finally on the surface!! 

Do you think Ella will get used to her new life?

THE PROMISE YOU MADE|| {Levi x Furlan x OC Fem}Where stories live. Discover now