6. Deal

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Once she woke up again, she thought that sewing some of the clothes that Furlan gave her would be an entertaining thing to do, and also practical since all of them were too big for her. After a deep search, she found a small sewing kit in Furlan's room that would be handy for the task. She wasn't the best tailor but at least she was trying, and the result was better than what she expected. The rest of the day was really slow for her. The hours wouldn't pass. She wondered how long until Furlan would return, and that also got her thinking about what would he do for a living. There were many things from him that got her intrigued, like his job, his close friends, but also his courage. She had many questions about him, but she didn't want to seem too intrusive. Ella felt tempted to go out for a bit, just sitting somewhere nearby in the streets but then she remembered what Furlan made her promise the night before. For some reason, he didn't want her out and after all the things he was doing for her, it wouldn't be nice to ignore his only request. Finally, she decided to prepare a nice meal for both men for their return. It was her chance to make something nice for them.  

She went to the kitchen slowly. She had never been to that part of the house as Furlan had had this protective thing towards her from the beginning, so he was the one doing everything for her to prevent her from hurting. After taking a look at the available ingredients she decided to make a stew, humble but tasty, using her mom's recipe that she learnt when she was younger.

Not too long later, the young men came back home. It had been a good day for their business, but Levi's face didn't show much excitement about it. As soon as Furlan entered the house he announced himself, but nobody answered back. Worried, he ran to the first floor where he left Ella earlier that morning. When he opened the bedroom door and found it tidy and empty, he thought of the worst.

"Damn it! She left even though I clearly told her to stay..." He said to himself blaming his naivety. He didn't even bother to look for any missing things. Although they did not know each other much, he had the feeling that she was not the type of person that would wait for the perfect time to steal something and leave. He was worried. Worried that she left the house wounded and weak. He cared about her for some reason he couldn't understand. He ran quickly downstairs, rushing up to get ready to go out to find her and convince her to come back. In the meantime, Levi was leaning on the door frame with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Looking for something?" Levi asked him with his usual tone.

"Not now, Levi." Furlan said rushed, not giving his friend much attention.

"If what you are looking for is a nosy brunette with puppy eyes then it is in the kitchen." Levi added. Furlan, who was not really listening to him took a while to process what Levi just said. Furlan looked at his friend, annoyed. He pushed Levi away from the door to make way for himself. A sweet voice was humming a lullaby from the kitchen.

"Oi, don't look at me like that. The brat was already here when I arrived..."

"Ella!" Furlan exclaimed relieved to see her. "What are you doing?"

"Oh, you are back! Sorry I didn't hear you coming..." She added shyly wondering if he heard her singing. "I was making a stew for you. I thought you guys would be hungry after a long day..." She excused herself. 

"That is so kind of you, but you shouldn't have." Furlan said with a charming smile. He noticed Ella's cheeks turned a lovely reddish tone after the compliment. Damn, she was beautiful. 

"It is the least I can do for you..." She said timidly, avoiding his gaze.

"At least let me help you. Is it ready yet? It smells amazing." Furlan asked. Ella nodded at his question and grabbed some plates from the cupboard before Furlan interrupted her.

"Don't worry. I will take it from here. Just go to the table." This time, Furlan offered her his arm for extra support rather than carrying her around on his back. When she sat at the table, he came back with the plates and the pot with the steaming stew. Levi initially refused to sit with them however, after several tries Furlan managed to persuade him to join them. They all enjoyed their food in a calm way. Levi didn't make any unwanted comments and Ella felt more comfortable around them. She was happy for having prepared the stew as apparently, the men loved it. She knew that because Furlan told her several times how good it was, and Levi just finished his plate in silence, making sure there was nothing left on it. This time, Levi stayed until everybody was finished and surprisingly for Ella, he took the plates back to the kitchen and cleaned everything after.

After a short chat in the living room while Levi was doing the plates, Furlan accompanied the girl to the bedroom, where she got ready to go to bed. Furlan thanked her again for the nice food she prepared for them.

"Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to come back earlier than today. I'm sure it was boring for you this morning..." He said.

"I understand you guys have things to do. Do not worry about me. I will get better eventually, and I will be able to do things too." She smiled. After that comment, Furlan got a bit disappointed knowing that as soon as she would feel better, he would have no reason to convince her to stay longer. But in the end, she was free to do whatever she wanted to do and at least he was satisfied knowing that he gave her that chance.

"Actually...If you guys would tell me something to do here while you are away, I could entertain myself a bit, but I would also help you. Today I have been amending some of the clothes you gave me. Maybe if you or Levi have something that you need to fix, I can sew it for you." Ella offered, hoping he would accept. Furlan processed the request on his head. It wasn't a bad idea at all, and Levi would have no excuses to kick her off if she was helping.

"That sounds fair!" He finally said. "But only things that you can do while sitting, remember that you shouldn't move much." Ella offered him a big smile; she was pleased with his answer.

"Give me a second... I think that I might have somewhere a pair of trousers that I haven't worn in a long time because they needed to be sewn." He said while searching in the wardrobe. He came back with a couple of shirts, the trousers he was talking about and a light green vest. Ella examined the clothes.

"I think I can get these ones fixed for you." She added confidently. "Do you think Levi has something that I can sew too?" Furlan hesitated for a second.

"Levi is...umm... more careful with his belongings. But I will ask him and bring them here in case he has any. By the way, I think I should leave you to sleep. It is getting late. Sleep tight, Ella." He said stroking her hair softly.

"Good night, Furlan. See you tomorrow." She replied quietly as the man left the room.

THE PROMISE YOU MADE|| {Levi x Furlan x OC Fem}Where stories live. Discover now