19. Progress

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Months had passed since the day Levi returned from his mission. Since that day, everything seemed better than ever. Finally, Furlan and Ella didn't have to hide their feelings and affection towards each other anymore. It was more than obvious, even before they were a thing, but now Levi did not seem to care, especially since he found out. At first, Ella used to blush whenever Furlan would steal a kiss from her, especially when there was company around. They did not take long to make what they had official. Sometimes, she felt like he wanted to brag about her beautiful girlfriend in front of the gang and although she was a bit shy about it, deep inside she loved it. It was just a matter of time before all the members adored her, and she quickly became part of it. 

Furlan also recovered his bed. There was no day in which Furlan and Ella would spend a night separated. Since the first time they slept next to each other, they got used to that sweet feeling and neither of them was willing to waste an opportunity. They just got addicted to each other, like a drug from which it was impossible to get away. Sometimes, they just enjoyed cuddling in the silence of the night, caressing each other's skin until they would fell asleep. On other nights, however, the passion would take over, making their desire uncontrollable. In the quiet night, it was difficult to avoid the noise and, although Furlan would cover her mouth while making love to her to avoid any moans escaping from her lips, the cracking noise of the bed and their bodies clashing at the rhythm of their hips was difficult to mute. 

Levi never said a word about it, instead, sometimes in the morning, he would dedicate an annoyed glance at his friend, to let him know that he was well aware of what was going on in their room. What could they do though? It was just natural to love, although he couldn't understand those feelings. 

In a more professional way, things were going great for the three of them and their gang. Their savings had increased notably since the last mission and their objective was closer than ever. Sooner or later, they will get out of that place.  Furlan had fully recovered too and he was helping out as always, preparing plans beforehand along with Ella and studying the best options available. Their productivity also increased since Ella started to help, she probably was as smart as Furlan and as intuitive as Levi, but unlike them, she was also extremely cautious which helped to prevent mishaps from happening as often during missions. She had definitely become key when preparing for jobs and everyone within the gang valued her. She had finally found a purpose. They were all more optimistic about the current situation they were living however, this enthusiasm didn't last long. 

Word count: 493

THE PROMISE YOU MADE|| {Levi x Furlan x OC Fem}Where stories live. Discover now