🖤 CHAPTER 33 🖤

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Hii butterflies

* Violent contents ahead *

Without any delay let's get into the story ☺️

Rohit : Ini unga rendu perayum yaar aalayum kaapaathu mudiyaathu da!!

He said with evil smirk and rage filled eyes!!

Rohit : Guards... Ivala konjam distance la veinga Avan kitta irunthu...

Guards obeyed him and tied her at a distance from him and stuffed clothes in her mouth.

Rohit : And now remove his boxers also!!

They did as he said and now Siddharth is siting completely naked...

Rohit eyed his personal bodyguard who came with one closed box...

He opened the box to see the deadliest creature there...

It's none other than Boomslang, the deadliest slow killing snake!!

Siddharth started to sweat profusely as soon as seeing it... It's egg-shaped head, oversized eyes and a bright-green patterned body did something inside him...

Rohit : Enna Mr.Siddharth...?? Bayamaa irukaa..??

Except Rohit everyone there is sweating profusely...

Rohit : Make him to lie down with his hands tied...

They did as he said and now Siddharth's face is facing the roof and his is lying on his back!!

Rohit : Start the treatment!!

He shouted which echoed the whole room... And then the bodyguard wore many safety equipments and took the snake and left it on his stomach!!

The snake positioned perfectly on his stomach!! He saw that with fearful eyes...

No body knows what the snake is capable of... It's features itself made him to dear the hell...

Suddenly the snake dig in his navel bitting him there making him to shout like hell and the whole place echoed his screamings and Paayal is shocked to the core seeing his state!!

It gave a hard bite and roamed all around his body spreading its poison in him... It gave several bites on his whole body and finally it crawled to his private part biting it hard and he screamed in top of his lungs...

Rohit eyed his bodyguard and he took the snake from his body and went from there to leave it back to its place!!

He screamed continuously for the next 30 minutes... The snake has been removed from his body but the pain didn't!!

Slowly his screaming stopped!! He tried to vent out his pain through screaming but he can't since his vocal cords stopped functioning...

Rohit : Enna Siddharth pesa mudilayaa..?? You will undergo this torture for 2 days... Becoz it is a slow killing snake... Oru kadi kadichaale mostly 48 hours dhaan uyiroda irupaanga... But unna ivlo kadi kadichuruku... Solrathuku onnum illa...

He said evily and his face lost its all colours and turned pale!!

Blood started to ooze from all the possible openings... And his organs started to bleed internally pushing him to severe unbearable pain but the fate is he can't even able to vent out his pain through screaming!!

He is now surrounded with his own blood... He is now out of strength... And death is going to welcome him any time sooner...

Rohit : Now throw him to my buddy!!

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