57: Aftermath

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Sanghyuk left the scene, after he caught his girlfriend and bestfriend cheating on him. He might have said a lot of hurtful words to the perpetuators but it wasn't enough for the pain to be equalled. This left Wonyoung and Sunghoon left alone in the park, in which Wonyoung broke down in tears while Sunghoon was left unbothered. He looked down on Wonyoung and sighed deeply before crouching down to her level.

"Don't cry as if you have no control over this whatsoever."

Sunghoon mocked.

"You could have prevented all of this if only you were true about your feelings towards him."

"Well, you did loved him that's true but it wasn't enough for you to have enough courage to refuse your parent's decision of marrying you of to me."

He added.

Wonyoung didn't reply but still still crying and had no plans to stop.

"How can you hide this fact from your boyfriend for two months. And accepting all of my advances as if you have already given up."

"It's making me question your loyalty and even your love to Sanghyuk. Whether it really was true or you're just using him as an experience. Like a job or something."

Sunghoon said.

Now perfectly pissed, Wonyoung exploded but she only said a few words. Her tongue was cut off by the guilt and how true the words Sunghoon said earlier.

"Don't talk as if you know everything!"

She yelled.

"Oh my. That's so scary. But you know, the truth really hurts. "

He let out a small laugh before smirking.

He then stood up and reach out a hand to her.


She asked.

"Stop crying already and let's go. I'm going to take you back to your room."

He said annoyed.

"Just leave me here, don't act like a saint you're the very opposite of it."

She replied, refusing his hand.

"Don't be such a difficult person and just move on, it's not like you were the one who got cheated on."

He said.

Wonyoung can't stand Sunghoon any longer, she stood up and after seeing his face. A quick hard slap met it, it was powerful enough to make him stumble.


Wonyoung yelled.

With that, Sunghoon left without hesitation. It was his first time seeing her this furious and it somehow felt scary. But after that anger, Wonyoung fell silent again turning towards the direction where Sanghyuk ran off too. She crouched down and cried, she did not want to admit it but she really is the one to be blamed. She was broken too, broken after breaking a special person's good heart.

. . . .

It's midnight and Jungwoon is running towarss the central park. After getting a call from Yujin that she and Wonyoung are currently staying there immediately got him off his bed.

"Why are these two out here this late at night?"

Jungwoon thought.

When he arrived at the scene, he saw Yujin comforting Wonyoung who looked like she cried the whole night. Having no clue of what happened he approached to ask Yujin who called him.

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