20: Weird Feeling

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Wonyoung was able to escape the awkward state that she had when they were at a cafe. They are currently falling in line to ride the viking which a fairly scary ride for some.

"Hey, you okay? You've been like that ever since we left the cafe.".

Sanghyuk asked after noticing his friend spacing out.

"Y-yeah I-I'm fine. Don't worry about."

She replied.

"Wony, if you're not feeling well we can leave right now. We can continue this in some other days."

Wonyoung is in a deep conscience battle right now. A part of her feels bad thinking about the thought of this hang out being cancelled just because of her having this weird feeling and another part of her wanting to escape from it.

Sanghyuk is waiting for Wonyoung to response, staring at her while she's also just staring at him.


He tapped her shoulders which brought her back to their conversation.

"N-no, I'm fine."

She smiled.

Convinced that Wonyoung is fine, Sanhyuk did not bother her anymore. They waited until it was their turn to buy tickets for their seats and the only ones remaining where the top part of either sides.

"Are you fine with it or let's just wait for another batch?"

Sanghyuk asked.

"It's fine, let's go with the scariest seat."

Wonyoung replied.

The two went on and sat on the most top seats of the ride. Once everyone is settled, the seat belt was lowered and the operator started its reminder and precautions for the ride.

"Wony! Look here."

Sanghyuk called.

Wonyoung turned towards him and waved at the camera. Just then, the ride started and it was in a slow pace at first.

"This is actually not that scary."

Wonyoung commented.

"Ohhh, getting brave huh."

The intensity of the ride has increased exponential, making Wonyoung froze in her seat holding tight at the metal bar in front of her.


Sanghyuk chuckled.

Wonyoung did not glance as she tightened her grip.

"You should enjoy the ride! Let go of the metal bar, it's safe don't worry."

Sanghyuk encouraged.


Wonyoung screamed.

"Look do this!"


Wonyoung glanced at him and saw Sanghyuk throwing is other hand up above while his other hand is holding the camera.

"I'm not going to do it!"

Wonyoung exclaimed.

"Come on, trust me it will take away your fears."

Sanghyuk smiled offering his hand.

Wonyoung took held his hand and closed her eyes, slowing letting go of the metal grip she had been gripping for the past minutes.


She shouted, feeling the cold air ran into her face and to her hair. Sanghyuk smiled seeing how adorable she looked as she slowly overcome her fear.

"You're right this is fun!"

Wonyoung shouted.

"I told you so!"

Still with their hands locked with each other they enjoyed the rest of the ride. Shouting, laughing and smiling to the camera, recording their first hangout with just the two of them and might be a memorable one so far, at least for Sanghyuk.

. . . .

"We should comeback here when the others are back. I'm sure it'll be more fun."

Wonyoung said.

"Yeah, let's go back here next year."

The two are now walking towards the exit as they just finished riding other amusement rides except for the ferris-wheel as it had a long line and the afternoon is also comming its end.

"What ride did you enjoyed the most?"

Sanghyuk asked.

"Hmmm, I don't know. Maybe the bumber cars?"

Wonyoung replied.

"Why? Because you constantly bumped me?"


Wonyoung giggled.

"How about you? What did you like the most?"

"The viking one."


"Because I did not expect that you will actually hold my hand."

Sanghyuk thought.

"I personally love that ride ever since I first experienced it."

He replied.


He scolded himself.

Just as they arrived outside the area, a car was already waiting for them.

"Ohh, that's my ride. Thank you for making me entertained today Sanghyuk."

Wonyoung smiled.

"No problem."

Wonyoung waved goodbye as Sanghyuk watched her leave. Once the car she was inside vanished from his point of view, Sanghyuk then started walking towards the bus stop to take a ride home. He's happy, he did not expect that being with her the whole day would lighten up his heart. The only thing that concerns him the most is the fact that he has fallen for her even more and he has no plans of turning back.

Meanwhile, Wonyoung was at the backseat of the car smiling while looking at the window.

"Ms. Jang, I guess you had fun with your friend. You've been smiling ever since you departed with him."

Mr. Choi said.

"It is Mr. Choi."

Wonyoung smiled.

Recalling everything that has happened today, she remembered the video that she watched with her clinging on to Sanhyuk.

"Are you okay Ms. Jang? You're cheeks are burning."

Mr. Choi asked.

"Y-Yes, I am fine. I-it's just that it was too cold. Can you increase the temperature please."

Mr. Choi looked at the aircon temperature and it was only at room temperature which is not as cold as the weather outside. He then glanced at Wonyoung and smirked immediately catching up what really caused her blush.

" What? I told you I was just cold."

Wonyoung swore.

"Yes, ms. I have already increased the temperature."

Mr. Choi smiled.

"Thank you."

Wonyoung then checked her phone, wanting to keep her mind away from the memory. Scrolling through her social media timeline, she saw an aesthetic photo of a couple holding hands. Just then, a scene flashed in her mind of when she held Sanhyuk's hand tightly while they where in the viking.

She started to feel something weird in her stomach, after remembering that even after they finished the ride they still had their hands intertwined and it was only broken when Sanhyuk left to go for a restroom break.

"What is this? What is happening to me?"

She thought, denying the romantic excitement she felt while remembering all that has happened earlier.

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