24: "Secret" Admirer

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Next Day...

Sanghyuk arrived in the school earlier than everyone. The halls and corridors are still quiet and empty, the only thing he can hear is his footsteps and the maintenance guy's. He went straight to their classroom then puts the book on top of Wonyoung's table. He then left afterwards, to not get suspected later on.

The library is not open yet, obviously, so he went to his second hiding spot which is centermost area of their school garden. This is where he sometimes read his books other than the library. He still have an hour before students would start flocking inside the campus, so he took this extra time to take a nap.

An hour later...

The classroom is half full and the group is already inside except for Sanghyuk. Everyone already knew about the book that Wonyoung found on top of her table. She knew where it came from but decides to hide her admirer for now. Yujin was teasing her non-stop coupled and she can't do nothing but to laugh it off.

Just then, Sanghyuk arrived in the classroom and immediately, his and Wonyoung's eyes met. Sending this tingling signal towards Wonyoung's spine. She quickly averted her eyes away from him which made him smile before going to his seat.

"Oh, Sanghyuk is here."

Yujin said.

"Is he better now? He did not update us yesterday."

Yujin continued.

Wonyoung knew that he has gone better but she chose not to answer afraid that Yujin might conclude something between them.

"Hey Sanhyuk, are you feeling better now?"

Yujin stood up and went to him, Wonyoung followed quietly.

"Good morning to you too, Yujin."

"Yes, I'm fine now. I forgot to tell you last night because I was busy."

He smiled.

"You just got better and you're doing something right away? Are you nuts?"

Yujin scolded.

"Jeez, it's early in the morning and you're already nagging like my mom."

Jungwoon complained.

Yujin gave him a threatening look which the latter shrugged.

"Don't worry, it was not something that would drain my energy. I was busy sorting out some things."

Sanghyuk said.

He then glanced at Wonyoung who was just listening to them. Their eyes met once again in this time, Sanghyuk chose trouble.

"Wony, is that a book in your hand?"

He asked, innocently.

"Ohh, that. Someone gave it to here, well left it for here I guess since it was on her table. No one actually gave it to her physically but you get the idea."

Jungwoon said.

Samghyuk was looking at him with a judging look.

"Are you still asleep?"

Sunghoon asked.

Jungwoon hits him in the shoulder which the latter responded with one as well.

"So, someone gave it to you. I see."

Sanghyuk said, stopping the two kids fighting from the side.


She replied.

"I'm guessing that it's her new admirer. He's different from the others, obviously. Instead of a love letter, he used a book which this pretty girl right here can't throw away."

Yujin said.

"He is indeed, have you checked the content of the book already?"

Sanghyuk askes.

"I haven't yet, maybe later."

Wonyoung replied.

"She's keeping it for herself, let's give her that."

Jungwoon teased.

"No, it's not like that."

Wonyoung denied.

"It's okay, Wony. Just make sure to tell us if this guy passed your standards or not."

Yujin winked, making Wonyoung glare.

A few minutes later, the bell rang which meant that classes are about to start. Everyone returend to their respective seats and welcomed their subject teacher with a smile.

. . . .

Arriving at her house, Wonyoung spent no extra time to check out the book that Sanghyuk gave. She doesn't want to admit it but she seems excited. Turning to the first page, the first sticky note can be seen.

"Hi Wony, I recommend reading each pages first or chapters before reading my thoughts on it. So you'll have an idea of what I'm talking about. Enjoy! ☺"

Wonyoung started reading the book, it seems like she's interested on the plot and not just on the notes that Sanghyuk left. She was too indulge that she forgot that it is dinner time and her mom had to call for her upstairs.

She immediately turned towards the door after hearing a knock.

"Wonyoung, are you asleep? It's dinner time."

Her mom said.

Wonyoung was surprised, she immediately closed the book leaving a book mark on the page she was on before leaving her room.

"Where you asleep?"

"No mom, I was reading a book."

"Ohh, let's go eat."

The two went to the table to have their dinner. Her mom was eyeing her from her seat noticing the smile that Wonyoung has been wearing ever since she left her room. Her mom then signaled her dad to ask her about it which he did so.

"How's school honey?"

Her dad asked.

"It's just the same dad."

"Hmm, something must have happen. Your smile hasn't faded yet ever since you left your room."

"I'm just happy."

Wonyoung smiled.

"So, do you have a boyfriend already?"

Wonyoung whined while her mom glared at her dad.

"What? I was just asking."

Her dad defended.

"I have no boyfriend."

Wonyoung said right away.

"She's too young to have one and it's not the right time yet."

Her mom said.

"Oh love, don't tell that. It's not like you did not fall in love for me back when we were at her age."

Her dad confidently said.

"Excuse me?"

Her mom glared.

Wonyoung sat there, watching the two adults twisting their love history to appear cooler in front of their daughter. She was smiling as her dad starts taking bold moves towards her mother which was clearly flustered by his actions.

" My parents are strict but I still love them because of this.".

Wonyoung thought.

After having dinner, she went back to her room to continue reading from where she left off. So far, Sanghyuk notes had been helping her venturing out other perspectives other than herself in reading books. It's like she's doing a literature review and she does not know why it's making her heart flutter.

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