Chapter 17 : Values

Start from the beginning

Jimin sighed and rolled his eyes,"Do you think I care about those illogical values and social hierarchy? If I did I wouldn't be living in Seoul with you doing a regular office job, Taehyung" He asked out, trying to convince Taehyung to forget about the superficial traditions.

"But there is no one better suited to be the clan leader and inherit the family business than you, Jimin, I also think it's for the greater good that you consider moving back to Busan" Taehyung piped up hopefully,"And I can also be closer to my family that way" He added the last bit hoping to drive the deal home.

Jimin looked at him from the corner of his eyes, a playful look slowly settling in,"Why? You don't like being with me in Seoul?" He asked as he stepped towards Taehyung till their foreheads were almost touching.

"You don't like our house where you don't have to follow any strict protocols and get to do whatever you want all day?" He asked, observing the nervous gaze of Taehyung which tried to look at anything but his eyes.

"A-anywhere you'll take, I-I'll like it" Taehyung shuttered out, nervous someone might see them being intimate out in public,"As long as I'm with you, I don't care" Taehyung finally whispered the embarrassing words as he clenched his eyes shut, a blush forming on his cheeks.

And it was the truth. Ever since birth, Taehyung was brought up with the knowledge that he'd be the one who'd serve Jimin. Even before all the marriage talk was involved. Therefore, Taehyung never even imagined a life without Jimin. His purpose since the very beginning was to remain by Jimin's side, being his number one aid and now by being his husband.

"But I also want what is best for you and that's why I want you to inherit what's meant to be yours, both the clan and the business need you, Jimin! You'll be an excellent-"

"Hush" Jimin shut Taehyung up by putting a gentle finger on his lips,"Granny has brainwashed you to the brim, I know Granny wants to make me the next successor but Taehyung, I.....I don't want this" Jimin spoke out feeling like a burden was lifted off of his chest.

"This place is so conservative, bound in traditions and hierarchy" Jimin stepped back and looked around the beautifully decorated scenery with sad eyes as he looked back at Taehyung,"The world is so advanced these days but this place feels like it's still living in the past, hell my family treats your family like servants, they are humans too, this is unfair, I refuse to associate myself with this place" Jimin voiced out with a frown

"But.." Taehyung furrowed his brows,"This is your family, this is where your roots are, you can't abandon those, you can't turn your back to them, everyone here expects great things from yo-"

"Taehyung" Jimin called out in a tired voice,"Let's not talk about this? Please?" He requested, a little sad that Taehyung opposed his beliefs.

Taehyung looked down at his feet feeling a bit frustrated,"I'm sorry for bringing this up, let's head over to the dinning area" He whispered getting ready to follow behind Jimin with his head down but the later showed no signs of movement.

"Come walk beside me" Jimin said again.

"I just told you that I can't-"

"You said you were sorry, right?" Jimin asked as he extended his hand out for Taehyung to take,"Show me just exactly how sorry you are and walk beside me" He stated waiting for Taehyung's response.

Taehyung sighed deeply,"I'm going to get scolded for doing this" He mourned and stepped towards Jimin to firmly grasp his stretched out hand, making the later laugh.

"But you love me enough to pull through it, right?" Jimin asked out with a grine as he looked forward and started stepping towards their destination.

Taehyung looked down at his feet, the conflicted emotion once again churning inside of him. He knew his voice would be hesitant if he tried to speak so instead he just resorted to nodding.

Jimin and Taehyung arrived at the dining area hand in hand as all the eyes turned to them. Everyone other than them had already arrived and were seemingly waiting for them.

From the corner of his eye, Taehyung could see his mother visibly shocked to see her son not only late to the breakfast but also walking alongside Jimin.

Taehyung looked down feeling nervous and small under all the judging eyes.

"The newlyweds have finally decided to grace us, it seems" Jihye Park, the Clan Mistress, proudly spoke out, pulling everyone's attention to her,"Was your stay last night comfortable?" She asked, posing a proud look in her eyes.

Both Taehyung and Jimin knew what she was asking about.

"Yes, it was very comfortable" Jimin scoffed a little, visibly upset about being drugged.

Park Jihye smiled,"Why don't you two come sit in here, beside me" She offered indicating the only two available seats by her side.

Jimin clicked his tongue and gently squeezed Taehyung's hand, indicating for him to follow him.

As the couple sat down, Jihye intertwined her fingers and thanked the God for food, soon all the participants joined her lead.

Taehyung opened his eyes and immediately dedicated himself to filling Jimin's plate.

"Taehyung" Jimin whispered in Taehyung's ear when he leaned in to arrange Jimin's side dishes, Taehyung looked at Jimin curiously, their noses almost touching.

"Jungkook is in the other table with your family, I think he's anxious all by himself, he looks upset" Jimin whispered out making Taehyung glanced the direction he knew his family's table was situated at.

And sure enough, Jungkook was there. Looking visibly upset. As he glared right back at Taehyung.

A/n :- Another filler chapter with no real plot progression but I tried to portray Taehyung's character and how he attaches himself to traditional values which in return makes it incredibly hard for him to adapt to new things. Hope you guys didn't get too bored.

And THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR GIVING THIS STORY 40K VIEWS! I still can't believe the overwhelming love you guys have showed this work, it truly means a lot, thank you for giving this fic your time.

Also (ʘᴗʘ✿) I've got some bad news...

My exam got postponed and now the exam period is even more stretched out nuarrrr

Now instead of 17th please expect frequent updates from 22nd Feb
(ಥ ͜ʖಥ)

Thank you very much for reading, voting and commenting until now guys!!!

Love ya all!!! ❤❤❤

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