Chapter 71 |Abandoned zoo|

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We're in an old abandoned zoo where we've been trying to lure all the hunters to give Scott, Lydia and Malia time to sneak into their base

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We're in an old abandoned zoo where we've been trying to lure all the hunters to give Scott, Lydia and Malia time to sneak into their base.

This place was Liam's idea, and for a while this plan seemed to work, but only Nolan and two hunters showed up.

Liam runs his fingers through his hair and pulls hard at it, clearly frustrated by what's been going on lately. "It's just Nolan and two other guys. This isn't going to work."

I glance down unobtrusively from a vantage point at the car. I pull away quickly when I see one of the hunters look up and point in our direction. I bump into Liam and shrug. "Where's the backup? I mean, shouldn't there be, like, twenty of them?"

Liam is starting to look quite worried. "I mean, they only saw us, and they're not gonna believe Nolan."

I nod slowly and pull my hair back into a sloppy bun. "So let's play a little bit so they can believe that we are all here," I mutter, drawing his puzzled expression to me. "Scott, I've had enough! I want you to bloody hold Liam, who wants to hold me back from killing-!"

Liam covers my mouth with his hand and frowns. "Why are you yelling?"

I pull his hand away. "What the hell is your problem, Malia? Should I calm down? Screw you, I'm the one with the psychopathic sister, not you!" I push Liam away from me and he looks so confused that under different circumstances I would have found it funny.

"What the hell are you doing?" Liam asks, taking a jerky breath as I knock him against the stone wall. "Valeria-"

"Sorry, that was too hard," I whisper, but I still keep him motionless on the stone. I run my thumb across his face and then smile. "Shall we?"

He rewards me with a big smile and then pushes me away from him. "If you leave here, Valeria, don't expect me to come with you!"

"Fine!" I retort, trying to sound angry. "Lydia promised to help me anyway. Right, Lydia?" I scream out loud and point the finger at Liam. I walk over and stab him in the chest. "I don't need your help. I don't understand why you keep trying to interfere with what I want to do, Liam!"

I don't even know why I started this subject. The truth is, I'm grateful to still have Liam by my side. If he wasn't there for me, I'd probably lose my mind after Brett died.

And we both know very well that neither of us are serious.

He looks me in the eyes and we don't break contact even when he puts his hand on my neck near my left ear. "Because maybe I don't want you to get hurt?" he pauses, and I feel my pulse quicken as soon as he runs his thumb across my face. "Stay out of it now, Malia."

"And why?" I don't lower my voice and approach him even closer instead. I can see the look in his eyes slowly sliding down on to my lips. "Well, Liam? Why? Is that so hard to say out loud?"

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