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♪ They'll be here pretty soon
Lookin' through my room for the money
I'm bitin' my nails
I'm too young to go to jail
It's kinda funny ♪


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Third person
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Valeria Wharton has long since gotten used to being home alone.

Her parents died in a car accident when she was only nine years old. She has since been cared for by her older sister - Jane Wharton - who is almost twenty-eight years old now.

They have a big age gap between them, but it's okay, because otherwise she and her sister would end up in the care of the state.

Jane spends a lot of time at work because medicine has always been her dream, but she tries not to neglect Valeria.

She loves her sister very much. Sometimes she feels like her mother, but they have a great relationship.

Valeria runs into the kitchen and finds a note on the fridge: I went on a date with Jacob. Food's in the fridge - Jane

She sighs and reaches for the headphones in her pocket. She'll probably go for a run to forget her problems.

Val had a big fight with her friend - Daisy - today. Her boyfriend tried to kiss Valeria several times, and she punched him.

Let's say she has a little trouble controlling herself, but nothing she can't handle.

Eric - Daisy's boyfriend - called Valeria a liar and accused her of trying to sleep with him. 

Totally pathetic, isn't it? And what was her friend doing? She called her a whore and didn't believe a word she said.

Now a lot of girls have turned on her. Fortunately, most lacrosse players are perfectly normal and have asked her what's the truth.

She wasn't comfortable talking about it, but she was happy to explain. And guess what? She wasn't the only girl Eric tried it on, so a lot of people are on Valeria's side.

Val puts on her sneakers and ties her shoes. It's almost dark, so it's probably not the best idea to go running, but she really needs it.

She picks up her red-haired cat, which has fairly shaggy fur. "I'm going away for a while, Milo," Val kisses him on the head and puts him on the carpet.

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