Chapter three, the meeting

Depuis le début

He quickly and quietly led Rain towards a mish-mash of about 30 cement containers that were beside the fence. Sky had seen them when Rain was so busy looking for Payu.
Then, Sky started weaving his way through them, until the boxes were so large that they could barely squeeze through. Even though, Sky was determined to get his friend to where
he wanted, so he gave one final heave and ended up on the other side of the fence. His companion followed him.

"I'm going to go find him!" Rain whisper-shouted.

"I thought that the word you used was 'spying'" Sky retorted with a smile while he tugged Rain toward the back of a car so no one could see them - they were in enemy territory after all.

Okay, maybe not 'enemy' territory, but still. Sky was sure that the people here were up to no good.

"Yea, well...." Rain said, thinking "I will just go see what he's up to, wait here."

As if Sky would do that. No way bro.

So, he followed Rain once more.

Sky was a bit nervous when he entered the crowd, but he was so good at hiding his emotions by now that he could put on a casual face at any moment.

Luckily, the people there all wore normal clothes, so Sky and Rain would only stand out to someone who was purposefully looking for them.

Unluckily for them, someone was.

That someone in fact, was the head of security. Head of security at the illegal race they had just arrived at.


But Sky and Rain had absolutely zero knowledge of where they were, and who everyone else was. So, they just tried their best to look casual.

Unfortunately though, Rain was a much worse actor then Sky was, so the head of security noticed him first.

Oh no.

"Look who we got here," The head said to his companions, pointing at Rain.

The other guards flanked him on both sides and had wide smiles spread on their mouths. They knew what happened to troublemakers who weren't supposed to be there. Their boss - P'Pakin, could make anyone disappear.

'Poof' and they were gone.

Together, the team of guards followed Rain. When they got to him, Rain was looking around for Payu, and didn't see the guards.

Sky stifled a yelp as he saw one of the guards grabbed Rain's hand.


Sky knew there was nothing he could do, and no matter how much he wanted to help Rain. There was nothing he could do, and he hated it.
He hated the fact that he was such a bad friend, that instead of getting into trouble with Rain, he just stood there watching.

Helplessness. The same helplessness he felt when Gun attacked him. The same feeling that he could do nothing but watch, but this time, it was directed toward another person. His best friend. He wouldn't  let this leave marks on Rain, even if Sky knew the guards probably wouldn't hurt Rain physically. But still. He couldn't let Rain get in trouble. He wouldn't let Rain get in trouble. Never. He would do anything to help Rain.

"Even reveal who you are?" Whispered that nasty voice in Sky's head again.


But he could do something.

And just ask Sky was about to sprint in the direction of the guard, Rain stomped on the guards foot and broke free.

Sky watched, astounded, as Rain started to run away from the guards.

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