Chapter two, the plan

Start from the beginning

The nightmare.

Why did it come back again?

Sky was so relieved two years ago, when he woke up without the retched dreams. Deep down, he thought they had gone. But now the nightmares started again.


Sky recalled everything that had happened the day before yesterday.

There was only one occasion Sky could think of.

When Rain asked him about why Sky didn't want a relationship with anyone. 

But that couldn't trigger any dreams, since Rain asked Sky that question before, and nothing happened.

With a few more minutes of thinking, Sky realized that there was more than one occasion. Two.

He could barely remember it, since it was very late, and Sky was slightly drunk because he was being dragged by his friends (mostly Rain and Sig) from one club to the other. But, he also remembered Sig leaving, which left Rain and him.

Then, the details of that night slowly started to come to Sky.

Sky POV, two nights ago

My eyes were starting to close so I don't know why I let Rain drag me along. But I'm not about to complain. Complaining makes me seem weak to people, and I do not want to show any of my weaknesses or dislikes to anyone. Never again.

We trail along the sidewalk with our eyes at our feet. Rain is in the lead and he looks up when he feels something wet drop from above. He touches his fingers to his forehead, where the rain drop hit him and smiles. Just a few moments later, the dark sky is filled with clouds.

Rain raises his hands up to the sky and I follow, doing the same. In seconds, we are both showered from head to toe.

It's impossible for me not to be joyful, really, when Rain smiles like that.

My head is filled with happiness, the worry or everything forgotten, as we run around, sometimes trying to splash each other, but failing miserably.

To someone who looked at us, we would seem like 19 year old babies, but I haven't had this much pleasure in such a long time now.

After long days of isolation and barely enough sleep from the amount of work I had, I'm glad for this.

Thank you, Rain.

My happiness is short lived, however.

The small voice in the back of my mind gently whispered " But you know perfectly well that Rain would never do this with you if he knew what type of monster you are..., and besides, do you think you deserve fun? Or a friend like him for the matter?"

I knew that the answer was no. No, I didn't deserve fun, or happiness, ever. No, I didn't deserve a wonderful person like Rain. And no, Rain wouldn't be my friend if he knew what I was.

And then, deep inside, there was another thought..."All I deserve is punishment and death for what I am...."

That had me back to my senses. I stopped running, and stool dead still, my grin replaced within milliseconds by my usual monotone expression.

Third person, two nights ago

"What's wrong again?" Asked Rain, with a look so full of worry, that Sky couldn't help but feel even more unworthy of Rain.

The best Sky could do was act.

He sighed, and looked Rain straight in the eyes.

"I'm fine," he said, "You are seeing things."

Then, Sky did his well practiced eye roll.

"Then why'd you stop?" Rain asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Stop what? Fooling around? People will think we are kids."

"So what?" Rain said "You have to have fun sometimes. You are so busy with schoolwork these days, that you always wear that sour expression....Oh wait? Is it something outside of school?"

"What!" Shouted Sky in surprise, "What made you say that?"

"The way you were always able to complete work, and never struggled? So what changed? I noticed quite a while ago, you know..."

"Nothing," Said Sky waving him off.

Rain narrowed his eyes at him, but asked no more questions.

After that there was only silence, broken only by the rapid rain.

"So," Rain said after a while, "Shall we go?"

To say the truth, Sky had already forgotten about the mission Rain had dragged him on:

Spying on P'Payu

Once more, Sky doubted that this was a good idea, however, like he already said, he hated complaining, so he trudged along.

According to Rain, they were going to a place he heard from P'Payu, when he was talking on the phone with Saifah. Rain had no idea what it was, but knew it was connected with racing.

Sky had no idea why an event would take place at such hour, but didn't think much of it.

Rain took Sky's hand, to which Sky gave a "politely" astounded look.

"What?" Rain said, spotting his expression.

Then he burst out laughing, and that a laugh was like a yawn, or an infection, to which Sky had no antidote to. So, he started laughing too.

"My hand was cold," He apologized cheekily "And you took it aaaaaalll wrong"

And with that the two boys continued their stroll again.


Author here,
I really hope that you enjoyed this chapter, and I promise that in the next one Prapai and Sky would meet.

Can't give anymore spoilers!

I tried my best to edit the chapter, but once again, if have any mistakes, please tell me. You guys probably don't know, but English is my third language, so even when correcting me, I hope it's not to much to ask to be kind.

Thank you all

Word count: 1577

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