My cousin leads me on terrace. "I was warning you about this. I was telling you something would happen. Why can't you just listen to me?"

"Please Alice, stop."

"No, you'll talk to me." She takes little pause and deep breath as her hands rest on hips. "Do you love her?"

"What? No, of course not."

"Stop this bullshit right now. Maybe you don't love her but you're starting to catch feelings for her." She smiles. "And that's beautiful. Don't put her in danger again, and you know what danger I'm talking about."

"She's protected from him," I say on my low voice, "trust me."

"What did you do?"

I let deep breath out. "Made a deal with devil."

"Are you even listening what you're talking about?" She's flabbergasted and digested by decision I made. "Look who it is, the grand hero with big goals to save god forbidden girl."

"Look who it is, the dumb girl who's tongue is long enough to read me a lecture while carrying truly god forbidden man's child. How about that Alice?" She's speechless and scoffs. "Don't lecture me about something when you have so much to learn about this life." I smile at her after dead serious face. "Just trust me."

"I don't know if I should trust you after you made deal with your father."

"You know he can't do anything to me."

"But he can hurt her." Voice of her raises.

"That's why I accepted to obey him while we're here." I say, much more saddened. "I destroy everything, I have no mercy. He can't put a finger on you or her." Hatred for fact that I'm toy of my father's is awful. I'm marionette now.

She grins so wide my face is forced to drop in annoyance. "Don't do that face."

"What face?" She chuckles. "I remember last time I saw that sparkles in your eyes."

"I have to go back." I turn on my way. "And put something on."

I sigh as I approach Hope's weak frame, softly laying on bed. Her chest raises and falls as she breathes. Her face is slowly gaining the color she lost and I'm oddly, unbelievable happy.

"Wake up m'lady." I whisper when my lips softly brush her hand, holding it while kneeling next to her. "I believe in you."

.   .   .

I wake up next to Hope, still holding her hand. I watch her inhaling relaxed, calm breaths, how she sleeps peacefully. How can this innocent human hurt anyone? And then I think, how did she upturn my whole world with a simple kiss?

I'm not ashamed to express my feelings but I'm not sure what I feel. Whatever feeling I feel for her is disgusting and so beautiful, it's gripping on my soul and heart I'm afraid it's too late. I like it or not I'm feeling something for her.

All I know is that I want to wrap her in my arms and hold forever, I want to give her my heart and never expect it back, I want to be called hers.

I let her go to check screaming sound I heard. When I exit my room and go in Hope's I see Liam and Alice tangled in each other. She's resting her head on his chest and he's holding her tight against himself.

I knock once on the door to wake them up. They struggle to open their eyes. "How's she?" Jumped up Alice asks, glancing at him.

"Better." I stare at Liam with death stare.

"Why were you two so cuddly?" I ask and touch my chin.

"We fall asleep and I was cold. He was trying to warm me up, don't be dramatic."

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