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The next morning I woke up before Timotheé, maybe even before the birds. I could already feel my neck and back pain from sleeping on the couch, not to mention the dull headache from the champagne.

What a way to start my Thursday.

I look at the idle TV screen, checking for the time, and mentally groan at the hour.

'5:36 AM'

Too early to get ready and too late to go back to sleep. The thought of getting up crosses my mind until I realize my position. Being more awake brought me to the almost alarming fact that I had turned over in my sleep and was now face to face with Timotheé. I could hear his breathing, our faces an inch apart at best, and his arm, draped over my waist and nearly gripping the fabric of my shirt.

I labor my breathing in fear of waking him from my chest rising and falling too harshly. It almost feels like déjà vu looking at him so utterly peaceful, it's not often I get to see him in such a state. So I take in every detail this time to savor it.

My eyes pull towards his eyebrows. He has those french brows, perfectly arched and almost too full— He got them done recently so the hairs between the two were barely noticeable. I reach his eyes next, his dark and full lashes light up a type of jealousy in me, I'm especially envious when they're open.

Next, I move to the freckles painting his face, attempting to count them. I fail miserably. Each speck like the flick of a paintbrush too full, spattering across a masterpiece.

Finally, I drag my view down to his lips. Full, hydrated, and perfectly shaped— perfectly pink. I wanted to run the tips of my fingers across his star-flecked skin, across his lips, but I refrain.

I take him in entirely before my eyes reach his lips once again. I want to feel my lips against his, feel the warmth and wetness of his tongue while feeling the flicks of it against the roof of my mouth-

No. No. No. What the fuck, this is your roommate!

I mentally scold myself. Suddenly I felt awkward, wrong, because I was making this something it would never be. Fawning over my roommate who was in every way too good for me.

He'd seen me when I first rolled out of bed in the morning on the way to our bathroom looking deathly, he'd seen me with my hair sweated and frizzed out from walking home in the heat, he'd seen me stuff my face every night as if I had no manners, he'd seen all my flaws everyday for the past three months.

I'm left with a decision. Wake him up to start my day and get as far away from him as humanly possible, or feign sleep and hope I don't miss my alarm.

I worry my lip harshly as my heart beats faster, flicking between the two before looking back at the time.

'5:58 AM'

How the hell did I spend twenty-two minutes staring at him? Well, it wasn't that hard actually, he's very— STOP.

I gently grip his wrist to move his arm, which is heavier than I expected, but his grip tightens around me and he rolls his body so he's deeper into the couch.

Fuck it.

"Tim?" I whisper, shaking him gently, nothing.

"Timmy." I say louder, "Timotheé Hal." I shake him harder this time and he jolts up.

"What's— You okay?—Uncomfortable? M'sorry—" He mumbles, his voice deep and raspy and I barely decipher what comes out. His eyes nearly closed as he starts scooting backwards more.

I could've melted, "No, I gotta get up." I whisper tapping his shoulder softly.

"Hmm?" He's already half asleep again.

"Tim, I have to get up, got work." I lift his arm with more force but still gently.

"Oh m'sorry," He retracts his arm as I get up off the couch, "Sorry." He rests it in front of him, cuddling into the cushioning.

"Shh, go back to sleep." I chuckled out in a whisper and bring the small blanket up a little more, making sure his feet were still covered.

I smile realizing he was already asleep again, snoring quietly, almost too quietly to be considered a snore.

I started for the bathroom and let myself look at him again for a brief moment before getting ready for my day.

I pour myself a cup of coffee while haphazardly eating the piece of toast balanced between my teeth. I check the clock.

'7:04 AM'

I'll be very early today.

I make sure there's enough coffee left for Timmy, placing the pot in its respective place again. I grab my bag and make my way to the front door, slipping on my shoes, which are making more noise than I'd like, and start to reach for the doorknob before catching a very sleepy voice—

"Have a good day." His words blended together, beginning to sit up from the couch, rubbing a hand against the sleep in his eyes with a tired grin plastered on his face.

"You too Tim." I grin and slip out of the door, locking it behind me.

The work day goes by fast, reading over and editing articles took up a lot more time than you'd think. When I left my internship, I made way to the grocery store.

'do you need anything from the store?'
4:47 PM

I snag a cart and begin my trek down the aisles, picking up snacks, toiletries I needed, and things for tonight's dinner while I wait for his response.

I was occupied by some mint jelly, because who the hell eats mint jelly, when I got his reply.

'Whyyyyyy did you go without me???'

'Can you get those cookies I like? And can we have pasta tonight? (:'
5:05 PM

I sigh at the fact I got ingredients for stir fry but chuckle at the screen and stride towards the cookie aisle, I reply.

'you're a real pain in my ass you know?'

'spaghetti? alfredo? pick a pasta'
5:06 PM

I lug the cart along, picking up a couple things from different isles, stopping to thumb through the magazines on display. I flip to a page with Timotheé's face on it, the article mainly being about how he's swooned the world already, how professional and intellectual he is. I snap a picture to show him later, my phone buzzes. I can't help but laugh to myself.


'Thanks mom 💖'
5:16 PM

Yes, so intellectual this boy is.

Juicy ~ Timothée Chalamet (Timothée OC's)Where stories live. Discover now