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for rexy4evr ❤️



My earliest memory is at about 2 or 3 years old, my father was trying to teach me a new word.

"Look at me, look at Daddy-" He gives a tickle to my side catching my attention, "Can you say water?"

I stared at him for a moment before mumbling, "Wabah?" A puzzled look on my face.

He gave a hearty chuckle at my butchered pronunciation, but praised me anyways.

As I grew older all I can remember about him is that he was colder towards me, almost like he didn't really know how to love me anymore.

Now any male, who's even remotely attractive, that gives me the slightest bit of attention or praise for anything, I latch onto them. Which brings me to my current issue.

It's completely ludicrous the feelings I possess towards Timothée. Well I wouldn't say feelings plural, more so one particular feeling.


I certainly didn't help my own case by staring every chance I could, or the fact he never wears a shirt around the house, or that he is completely and utterly the most beautiful human being to roam this earth.

He walks into the kitchen grabbing a cup from the cabinet, with a turn of his head we make eye contact and he grins, "Morning."

"Morning." I give a closed grin back, picking a piece of French toast up with my fork.

God, that jawline kills me every time. But that's besides the point.

It wasn't a type of lust I had felt before, he invaded every single thought that I had. I dreamt about him, I fantasized about him daily in my journal, I wear revealing clothes every day in hopes of him making a move on me. The only problem is that he's my step-brother.

Yes, my newly wed father's wife's son is my current infatuation.

"Where are they?" He asks turning the tap on.

"Some brunch thing at Brandy's, they left not too long ago." I drop my head staring at my half eaten breakfast.

"Jesus, does she ever give herself a break from hosting?" He gives a scoff, looking my direction once more.

Still looking down at my plate I give a toothy grin at his remark, "If you lived her life, would you?" I look up meeting his gaze.

"Good point." He finishes his glass of water setting the cup in the sink, leaning against it.

"How long will they be gone?" He inquires.

"It's Brandy, probably all day." I dump my leftovers in the trash and turn to the sink cleaning my dish, I can feel the heat from his bare chest on my upper arm.

His eyes burn into the side of my head as I rinse my plate, I could feel a nervous sweat starting up from the intensity.

"Yes Timothée?" I question placing my now clean dish on the rack.

"Do you have plans today?" He entraps me with his arms on either side of my body as I turn to face him.

I look up at him, "No, why?" It comes out a little quieter than I would've liked, my heart beat picking up.

Juicy ~ Timothée Chalamet (Timothée OC's)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon