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NOT proof read, the Reg era is coming to an end

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NOT proof read, the Reg era is coming to an end. I'm gonna make this a separate series!
It was almost a month later, around Halloween, she stopped showing up to all our classes everyday. When she was in class she wasn't really paying attention, it was like she was simply existing instead of being the vibrant person she had been.

We hadn't talked much, we hadn't talked at all really, just glances between ourselves. I tried to show my sympathy even if it was just a look.

She came to class Monday, the day I took her to the library and she broke down, it broke my heart to pieces. I was just glad she felt comfortable enough to seek my comfort out.

Finally I found my voice," Are you hungry?" I pull her back to look at her, she vaguely nods, "It's time for lunch, I'll walk you." I offer.

She pulls herself together before we check out and grab our things, then walk to The Great Hall. It was silent, just like our walk to the library, but it was a comfortable silence. One where you're content and serene just being in that person's presence.

Before the doors open I turn to her, "Look-" We both interrupt each other, "Sorry, you go ahead." I grin down at her.

She looks down at her shoes before she meets my eyes again, "Thank you for today, I'm sorry I freaked out like that. It's really hard dealing with everything." She drops her gaze to the ground again, "My dorm mates don't understand, they're there but..Just thank you, for everything." She looks back up at me.

"Don't thank me, if you ever need someone I'm always here. I promise you that you always have someone to come to." I risk putting a hand on her forearm, she doesn't reject me, "Don't ever feel alone." I run my hand across the underneath of her arm, running my thumb over her elbow. The electricity flows from my fingertips to my shoulder just from a touch.

She gives a sincere smile, the most beautiful smile I've ever seen, before saying a 'thank you' once more and heading into The Great Hall.

I wait a couple minutes before following suit, sitting at the Slytherin table in my normal spot. I don't take my eyes off of her though, I watch her interact with her housemates, I watch her plaster on a fake smile, be falsely engaged in conversation, that is until—

It's been about a month since I knew I fucked my whole life up. I was barely starting to get over it though people were still whispering about the whole event.

I stare at myself in the mirror, taking in the deep purplish blue rings under my eyes starting to form, my lips dry from the constant sobbing.

I had never been so weak.

I get ready with the small amount of energy I have. Throwing my uniform on in a half effort attempt to look decent, I grab my bag and head to first period.

'You did this to yourself.'

My brain echoes on a loop. I didn't mean to ruin everything.

Halloween was three days away, my favorite holiday, finally I had something to look forward to.

I peeled myself out of bed that Monday morning, not knowing I would make a genuine connection with Regulus— Let alone break down in front of him.

Regulus and I made our way to The Great Hall for lunch. He runs a hand up and down my lower arm, sending tingles through my body. I compose myself before I thank him again and go into the Hall. I sit with my dorm mates, who I've actually grown kind of close to lately, and pick up a pastry from the plate.

As I bite into it, our owl Kronos, drops a letter that makes me body freeze. The black envelope was enough to make my blood curdle, a select few knew what this letter really contained.

It was an invitation, no, a summoning to prove myself to Him. I excuse myself from the table to read what was written on the parchment.

'Dear Y/N of House L/N,

You are hereby given a formal invitation to the Sacred Twenty-Eight's Holiday Ball as a special guest. Formalwear is the set attire, so please dress accordingly.

Sincerely sent in regards of,

House Black.'

It was a very simple holiday party to anyone else, that was until I got to a secluded place.

'Dear Y/N of House L/N,

You are hereby given a formal invitation by Him to the Sacred Twenty-Eight's Holiday Ball,  you will be considered a special guest of Him. Formalwear is the set attire, so please dress accordingly.

Sincerely sent in regards of,

Lord Voldemort and The Noble House Black.'

I could feel the blood drain from my lips as I carefully placed it back into the envelope. For insight, Holiday envelopes of any kind were red or green, not black.

I had almost two months to prepare myself for the pre-initiation of my timely demise.

Nothing about my little talent was secret anymore, I had played my hand and bet my life for it when in reality, I should've folded.

I don't know exactly what was said in the letter dropped before her. Everyone around her said it was an invitation, I knew better. The ink wouldn't reveal itself until she was in private.

I got one last year around this time, the same as Lucius, Demeter, and Barty. We were some of the youngest.

She got worse after the day that black envelope came.

Everyone's was different but I knew what the letter meant, she didn't have a choice anymore than I did.

October passed and the middle of November arrived quicker than I had realized. November turned into December, and then it was two days before break.

She refused to talk to me for two months and I couldn't understand why. I thought I made clear enough she always had someone to come to.

I could fully see the prominent bags under her eyes, the dead look in them— They once held so much life. Her skin stayed paler than usual, and she wasn't as put together. I still found her to be the most beautiful person I laid eyes on.

She didn't show up to lunch or dinner anymore for those months.

Twisting the small box between my fingers, I go back and forth in my head whether or not to give it to her.

'Just fucking do it, she deserves it.

I take a deep breath before sneaking my way into her dorm, skipping third period better is well worth this.

I slip the wrapped box under her pillow, the only clue being the silver and green wrapping paper. A small bow atop the box done by my own hand, it took 2 hours of trying.

I quickly sneak back out of the dorms and make my way to my next class.

'She'll love it, she has to.' I think to myself as I sit down in my spot.

Juicy ~ Timothée Chalamet (Timothée OC's)Where stories live. Discover now