Chapter Forty Four: Inside The Dungeon

Start from the beginning

"There are two soldiers at each end, one patroling in between and probably one in one of the rooms.", Jongho reports.
"We will definitely need a distraction. Unfortunately we are all in one cell this time."
"Maybe we should just be risky and do it without a distraction. I mean we're getting executed tomorrow anyway. We don't have anything to loose.", San suggests.
"Nothing. Except a hand maybe.", Jongho comments.
"Okay, never mind."
"Maybe we just need to wait for a bit. There might come a moment where the soldiers aren't paying as much attention.", Seonghwa says.
"What if that moment never comes?", I ask.
"Then maybe we can escape when they get us out for the execution."
"I guess that is the only thing we can do for now since none of us have an idea. Let's talk about what we are going to do when we escape. We still need to get Yeosang and Wooyoung then.", Hongjoong states.
"I could try to distract the soldiers while you save them. You would be slowed down by me anyway.", Yunho proposes.
"Are you crazy?! We are not leaving you behind!", I exclaim. Hongjoong motions me to be quiet.
"He must be confused because of his fever.", San adds.
"We should split into two groups. It's easier to sneak around in a small group and more efficient.", Jongho tells.
"Wooyoung is the only one of us who knows the castle though.", I utter.
"I think we can figure out where Yeosang's room is on our own. If we split it is definitely saver. Not only is it more efficient and easier to hide. If one group gets caught, the other group can still save them.", Hongjoong explains.
We discuss who will be in which group. I end up in the group who is going to save Wooyoung along with Jongho and Seonghwa.

We sit around for some time. Some of us have dozed off, the rest of us are talking about the nobles from earlier.
Suddenly somebody comes up the stairs. It is the scary doctor from earlier. He says something to the soldier on the corridor and then speaks to the soldiers who are standing at the exit. Hongjoong uses this moment to pick the lock. We stand next to him, waiting for the door to open or to tell him when the man turns around again. Yunho has to lean against San. Both of them seem to do slightly better but it still might be hard for them if we have to run.

I hear a faint clicking noise. In the exact same moment the man turns around. He looks at us angrily.
He shooes us to the back of the cell before he disappears into the room where the king and his friends were earlier. A soldier comes out of the room on the opposite side and gives a key to the soldier in hallway. Him and one of the soldiers at the front meet at the first cell on the right.
"The door is open. Everyone in the same group, grab each other by the hand, so you don't loose each other if it gets chaotic. Run on my signal.", Hongjoong whispers.
The soldiers pull a young woman out of the cell. She begs the man to just kill her but they ignore her.
As soon as they pass by Hongjoong gives us the signal we go to the door and open it. The soldiers at the stairs immediately charge towards us while the soldiers that just passed by seem confused and panick. Jongho uses this moment to grab the woman by the waist, throw her over his shoulder and we run off towards the castle.
The confused soldiers block the soldiers from the other end of the corridor for a few seconds and San kicks the soldier in front of us who tumbles backwards and falls to the ground. We sprint up the stairs and run past the soldiers who are waiting on the other side. We run through a lot of corridors with quite a few soldiers running and screaming behind us.

We are able to hide in a small storage room. Yunho groans and lets himself fall onto the floor and Jongho puts the woman back onto the floor.
"Where are we going from here?", I ask.
"Wait. Who are you and what is going on?", the woman asks
"We are treasure hunters and trying to rescue the other two of our group. Who are you and why were you in prison?", Jongho replies.
"I am Marsola. I told my friend that I wanted to flee from the Nekra Kingdom with my lover and she reported me to the guards."
"Oh my god!", San exclaims.
"One of our friends is still in prison, the other is in the castle. With which group do you want to go? And do you know the castle?", Hongjoong asks.
"I don't want to go back to the dungeon but I know that it has a side entrance. You have to go through a small building between the castle and the barracks. Otherwise I don't know anything about the castle."
"That still helps us a lot. You are in my group so stick close to me. Once the footsteps are gone, we'll go out and split into our groups."
We wait for about a minute before the footsteps outside stop. We sneak outside, Hongjoong's group turns left while we go back to where we came.
"We lost them, search the rooms!", I hear someone command in the distance. The corridors that we walk through are completely void of any soldiers since they were all chasing after us. Somehow Seonghwa remembers all the turns that we took, so we quickly get back to the stairs that lead into the prison. When we arrive we hear a lot of voices from down there and someone coming up the stairs. Jongho motions us to follow him. He brings us to a corridor which has a window that leads outside. He opens it and we climb outside.

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