Leon would chuckle and sit up "i cannot fool you anymore hmm? You look like a corpse. Go to sleep you need it" he spoke standing up before he extends his hand to help him stand up.

Lucio takes Leon his hand and gets pulled up with such ease like he weighs nothing but then again he is very slender. "You trained me well that is why...but can i ask a favor of you?"

Leon crosses his arms and tilts his head just a little wondering what this favor will be "and that is? Dont tell me i have to be kind to my ex..."

Lucio looks at him really confused as he crosses his arms aswell just staring at him confused what he is speaking off "wait...you guys broke up? When? What happened?"

"Oh...i thought Sasha would have told you. I caught him cheating" he shrugs and fixing some of his own brunette hair "so i cheated back. It was a messy break up"

The young lord just looks at him speechless as his lips are parted wanting to say something yet it does not come out. "You are the most pettiest person i have met...the favor i wanted to ask you is that i saw somebody watching me and Valerius in the ballroom. They dissapeared and a dog growled at that person so it is somebody he does not know. I want you to find out who it is"

Listening to the information Leon knows who it may be so he lets out a deep sigh as he seems rather concerned in the moment"recently Fatui agents have tried to breach the fencing for some unknown reason. Luckily the guards can stop them but i suppose this one slipped trough their fingers. " he spoke thinking some more about it to think of what they can do. "Next time that happens see it as practice...teckle that person and question him or her. Simple and easy as that."

"Says you-..."

"Hey i trained you didnt i?!" He spoke poking Lucio his forehead and Lucio is almost as tall as him and for a ten year old that is pretty tall " get to bed i will find out who it is in the meantime"

"No i have to do work and i need to go to my lessons" Lucio spoke thinking of what else he has to do "in a hour i have to return to Valerius to check up on him and if he is awake i have to take care of him while working and doing lessons. If he still is asleep i will have to come back that next hour-..." Lucio starts to name all the things he has to do not noticing how unamused Leon was who lets out a yawn.

"Listen kid -...you have to much on your plate. It is okay to rest once in a while you know? You will have a burn out sooner or later. I get it that you want Valerius to grow up peacefully so he can have a happy childhood but this is too much for you. You barely have time to eat and that is why you got so slender. You barely have any sleep. I am surprised you are even standing at the moment" he spoke poking Lucio his slender arm almost implying that all he can see is a skeleton with no meat on it.

Lucio shakes his head smiling as a soft chuckle would leave his lips "truely i am fine. Now then, i will go to my lessons before going to work again " he spoke and walks to the ballroom yet not seeing the teacher there it was odd since he himself was late so why is Raoul not here yet moments later he came walking in from the outside giving Lucio a bright smile which is unusual for him. "You seem happy. What is it?"

"Can i not be happy to see you?" He asks and sits down besides him on the bench off the piano. "Go on play something. I want to see if you have improved"

Lucio just stares at him finding it unusual of how cheerfull he seems "you thought my piano and violin since i five... "

Raoul lets out a soft him and flips the page to the song he has to play "well then. Proof me that you can play then" he spoke and signals to the paper as it was a hard to play song.
Having so many notes on the pages and not having properly slept for a while it took Lucio out of it his vision going blurry for a moment yet he recollects himself and places his fingers on the keys. His eyes scan over the paper. At first he was doing great yet the tempo slowed down more...and more...and more as his head was hanging low. Raoul noticed what was about to happen so he immitatly lays Lucio down on the ground and presses his cold hand against the other his forehead trying to keep him awake from going unconscious. "Stay with me okay? Breath-...i will get you to your room when you are able to stand and lean onto me" he spoke calmly and in a soothing way to let him know it was okay what just happened. "I will not allow you to work for a few days"

Lucio (Genshin OC Story)Where stories live. Discover now