“Yeah I have some friends that could help you out. Let me call them. Hey, umm, do you have your cell on you?”

          “Yes it’s in my purse right over there.” I said. I relieved that I won’t have to do this all on my own. I mean sure I have Sam but it will take us a couple of hours. So if his friends are anything like him than it won’t take us that much longer.

          Ten minutes later somebody was pulling up to the curve of my front lawn. Than a tall, muscular, russet looking guy comes out of his car. Like Sam his hair is cropped short and he has cut off jeans and no shirt. He says hi and comes on over.

          “Hey Sam is this little Sammy from long ago? Now she’s not so little any more.” The russet guy says and he, too, gives me that weird smile.

          “Yeah Paul that’s her she grew up real fast, didn’t she? Sam don’t you remember? This is Paul from when we were small he broke his arm by falling off the tree.”

          “Oh yeah now I remember, hey Paul man you grew up fast too! Are you and your friends taking steroids or something, because you guys are, like, huge?!”

          “Nah, I’m just working out that’s all. Wow you really changed from the girl I used to know.” Paul says giving me another weird smile like the rest of the guys that did that to me today. Sam laughed when Paul smiled at me and I turned away feeling my cheeks warm up. Will the guys just stop doing that to me it’s just so annoying? Paul looked away from me to look at Sam with a question written on his face. Sam just shook his head and chuckled.

          “Can you help us out, Sammy need us to carry the heavy things in for her while she tells us where it needs to go? Jared is on his way. That way if there are three of us it will make the work go by faster, rather than just me.”

          “Sure, sure what do you want me to carry?”

          “Anything just bring it inside.”

          Like twenty minutes later my living room was complete. The boys were wondering what job I had. I just told them that I got a real job and not on of those fast food jobs. After about ten minutes of my living room being complete. Another guy comes, and he looks exactly like Sam and Paul except that his cheek bones were more pronounce and sharper.

          “Hey, Sam and Paul.” The boy called, but you could hardly call him a boy he looked more of a man instead.

          “Hey Jared!” Sam and Paul called out at exactly the same time. Then they both started laughing. I just thought that, that was weird. As they were both laughing they walked out onto the porch and I followed them out.

          “What are you guys up to? Are you moving Paul?” The boy that is named Jared asked Sam and Paul.

          “No I am not moving but somebody is moving in this house. You remember Sam’s, little sister Samantha? Well yeah she is moving in and this is her stuff, and we need your help. Here she is.” Paul said and moved out of my way and made a pose as if I was a prize.

          “Hey Sammy, your not so little any more. Wow, you grew up real fast. Don’t you remember me; I taught Sam how to ride a dirt bike?”

          “I don’t recall that it was you who was teaching me I think it was the other way around.” Sam said trying to act like it was a mistake but really it was the other way around. Jared was teaching Sam how to ride a dirt bike.

          “Whatever you say, man I’m just saying what happened the right way.” Jared said putting his hands up, palms facing forward.       

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