Maybank/imagine #8 (not quite smut)

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As the long day of being absolutely exhausted from work the last thing you wanted to do was go to some dumb party all night. But that's how it always goes. Day after day, night after night. But hey, who's complaining?

At least you get dragged to these lame ass parties by the best group of friends that you have ever had. Getting drunk and high on the beach could be worse. But with Pope feeding you random 'fun' facts all night, Kie braiding your hair, John B being the surrogate best big brother ever, and JJ supplying the actual party from a suspicious looking black box the nights you spend together are some of your favorite moments.
"JJ, can you get me some water or something real quick please ." You begged as you held your now pounding head after an especially potent joint.

"Oh but of course m'lady. Your faithful servant shall get his lightweight the finest glass of water thou has ever drankith." He curtsied just before he fell over from laughing at his own joke. Which you found less than funny.

"It's your fault I'm dying J." You shouted as he was now too far to hear you at normal volume.

After a couple minutes of a hammer hitting you in the brain JJ came back with approximately 10 LARGE water bottles, all ice cold at that. You chugged down about 1 1/2 of them before the headache went away.

"My hero." You said between gulps, the water spilling out the sides of your mouth.

"No problem at all your majesty." He joked as he grabbed a rag from John B's van to wipe the water from your face.

"Where is everyone else? You ask, sitting down next to him by the now dim fire.

"Couldn't tell ya, I do know they didn't leave though." He said as he shook John B's keys in his pocket.
You both sat there for a while before he pulled out another joint.
"Don't worry darling, this one you can handle" he cracked after seeing the concern in your eyes. For that you smacked his arm. And of course, being as dramatic as he is, he started to 'cry' and whine. You both sat there, smoking and talking as the fire burned out. Even after the joint was gone you kept talking about random things. Something felt different about this time.

You are a relatively new addition to the group so you haven't known JJ as long as everyone else but after talking to him tonight it felt you have known each other for years. And he felt the same. After a moment for you two to catch your breath he noticed you starting to get cold. Of course you made it kinda obvious with a couple shivers here and there, rubbing your hands together, etc.
"Do you want to go wait in the van while we wait?" He suggested, and with that you both went off to The Twinkie.

You both laid down in the back of the van, on top of some blankets just to relax for a moment before your friends came back, and started talking again . You've always noticed this sort of natural confidence that JJ had around people, and anytime you guys parties together you noticed it get better. But tonight you saw behind his wall. You could see the goofy dude behind the cool guy act. It made you feel even closer to him.
"Hey y/n," he said after a brief moment of silence.

"Yeah J?"

He hesitated before opening his mouth again, "Can I kiss you?"

"What?" You said sitting up now, and staring at him.

He had a nervous look in his eyes, now also sitting up, he repeated himself.

"Can I kiss you." He said with less confidence than before.

You sat there for a moment, not saying anything but just looking in his eyes. Was he really asking? Was this a joke? Does he even know what he's saying right now? All of these thoughts running through your mind and he say there waiting for your answer.

"I'm sorry, that was stupid. I shouldn't ha-" you cut him off as you connected your lips with his. You kissed briefly before you pulled away slightly. You felt him place his hands on your waist before pulling you back in, and now onto his lap.

Your lips moved in sync with his, feeling one of his hands move from your waist up to your face. Holding you closer as you make out. Until you readjusted yourself on his lap, causing him to let out a little moan, and causing you to feel something growing beneath you.

He moved from your lips down to your neck and chest. Kissing the same spots up and down, making sure to favor your sweet spot. That he found fairly quick. These quick and soft kisses were driving you crazy and made you let out a couple moans yourself. Giving him more reason to keep going.

"JJ..." You almost whispered as he started putting hickeys on your neck. This made him feel great about what he was doing to you. He then started to slide his hands under your shirt.

His cold fingers made you flinch for a second. He quickly removed them and pulled away.
"I'm sorry. I should've asked, was that okay?" He asked, worried that he crossed a line.
"Yes! Of course it was, I was just shocked is all. You can do it again if you want."

You definitely didn't have to tell him twice. He pulled you back in and started to touch you again. Slowly at first, and it felt like heaven. His soft and cool fingertips on your hot and smooth skin made you want him even more. He started to massage your boobs underneath your shirt as he continued marking up your neck.

You could feel him throbbing beneath you and you rubbed up against him a little, making him moan again. After, you reached down and unbuttoned his pants so that this could continue to tease him a little more. He pulled his shirt off and you pulled yours off. He started to undo your pants when you heard the van doors open.

"AHHHHHH!!!! MY EYES!" You heard Kie scream.
"Not in my car guys!!" John B rolled his eyes

Word count: 1071

I did give a warning in the title guys. Hope you enjoy the first post back after the long wait :)

JJ Maybank/ Rudy Pankow Smuts & ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz