Pankow/ imagine #2

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~after filming for season one ended~

On the famous Netflix original Outer Banks you, Y/n Y/L/N, play Aurora Routledge, John B's sister, and your love interest is JJ Maybank.

{April 15, 2020}

Everyone was at Madelyn's home watching the premiere of Outer Banks, everyone so happy that the show is finally out.

With the first episode done you all went on having conversations with one another, but of course later that night everyone started to leave and go home.

Rudy responsibly gave you his car keys because he was too drunk to drive, even though he was your ride you weren't gonna leave your drunken friend hanging.

You weren't going to take his car back to your house so you started to walk from his driveway. "Y/n, I'm not gonna let you walk only this late, you can stay the night." Rudy insisted through his slurred speech.

After struggling to open the door he finally got it let you in. "Welcome you my humble abode." He said pretending to curtsy and almost falling backward in the process.

You sat on the couch as he shut the door and grabbed a bottle of water. "Do you want anything to drink or eat?" He asked. "No thanks Rudy." You said.

He sat next to you on the couch, now half asleep.

"Y/n." He whispered even though it was just you two.

"Hmm?" You responded also whispering.

"Don't tell anyone but I like Y/n." He said giggling. You looked at him confused. You know what they say, drunken words are sober thoughts. "She's really pretty and kind. I hope she likes me." He said getting emotional.

You were shocked from his statement but you brushed it off thinking he was too drunk and wouldn't remember this in the morning anyways.

"Come on Rudy lets get you to bed." You said grabbing his hand and brought him to his room. "Thank you Y/n, but don't tell Y/n what I said. I want to tell her." He said smiling and then fell asleep.

You have had a crush on Rudy since the beginning of production and you never thought he shared the same feelings. You still don't considering he drunk right now.

You brought up a glass of water and aspirin for him to take when he wakes up then you went to sleep on his couch

Word count: 400

Part 2?????????

JJ Maybank/ Rudy Pankow Smuts & ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now