Maybank/imagine #3 part one

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⚠️Warning⚠️ this chapter includes sensitive topics such as domestic violence and abuse. If you are not comfortable with reading that then fill free to skip.

"Hey girls you ready?" You heard John B say through the closed door after a knock.

"Yeah. Be out in a sec." Kiara stated after helping you tie your bikini top in the back. "Thanks Kie." You said adjusting your hair and sliding a pair of jean shorts on and a loose fitting t-shirt.

You walked to the HMS Pouge together, everyone was already there. "Finally!" JJ yelled starting up the boat.

You rolled your eyes at his remark. He has always shown resentment towards you for reasons unknown to you.

You laid one the back of the boat with Kiara enjoying the beautiful weather and sunshine. "Kie." You said just loud enough for her to hear. She turned her head to look towards you.

"Why does JJ hate me?" You asked sliding closer to her. She sighed softly, "He doesn't hate you y/n, he just doesn't trust you enough yet." She said giving you a side hug.

After a long day on the boat JJ drove it back to John B's house and you two were the last ones off. You were picking up the trash left on the boat from everyone and when you turned around you bumped into JJ, dropping everything in your hands.

"Fuck." He said harshly when a beer bottle fell to the floor and shattered. He lifted his hand in the air out of frustration and you flinched, shutting your eyes, bracing for impact.

"What are you doing?" JJ asked with concern in his voice. You opened your eyes and went back to grabbing the trash. "Nothing." You mumbled.

You threw away the trash before going back to the boat with a bag to get the broken glass. JJ stayed to help, reluctantly I might add.

"Y/n, did you think I was going to hit you?" He asked softly while tossing the broken glass into the bag. You ignored the question and picked up the glass quicker.

On the final piece you cut open your finger. "Fuck!" You yelled. After disposing of the glass you ran to get some bandages in John B's bathroom.

"Do you need some help?" JJ asked, startling you. "Sure." You responded quietly. He cleaned the cut and put a bandage on it. "Thanks JJ." You said softly.

"Y/n." He whispered. "Why did you think I was going to hit you?" He asked again. "No reason J." You said standing up, going to walk away. But JJ stood in the doorway, blocking you.

"Y/n. Talk to me." He said.

"An abusive ex okay! I was scared you were going to hit me because of my ex boyfriend! There happy!?" You yelled in his face. That sudden outburst brought everyones attention to you. Your face turned red and you stormed out of the château to your car.

You drove home and ran to your bedroom. Slamming the door shut. "Fuck" you mumbled to yourself as you tossed your keys on your nightstand and sat on your bed.

Kie was the only one who knew about your ex boyfriend, Rafe Cameron. She was one of the few people you told about what he did to you.

It was hard going through your day wondering if he would be sweet and sober or high and dangerous. You finally left him after he broke your arm and left you bloody and bruised. You see him around sometimes but he leaves you alone.

After changing into your pajamas you laid in bed, drifting to sleep, the silence becoming comforting. That's when you heard a light tap on your window. Then another, and another, after the forth one you looked out your window and saw JJ.

Part 2?

Word count: 640

JJ Maybank/ Rudy Pankow Smuts & ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now