Maybank/imagine # 1

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"John B ! You home?" You yelled through the walls of his home, both arms covered in grocery bags.

"He's not home but whatcha need baby?" You heard JJ say as he walked into the room.

"Here, take these, and put them where ever they go please." You said as you put your are out for him to grab the bags. He grabbed all the bags off of your arm and you followed him into the kitchen and started putting things away.

"So I got non-perishables and bread. Once the power comes back to the island I'll pick up some milk, eggs, etc." JJ laughed as he watched you struggle to reach the top self while putting things away.

"Need some help there?" He asked snickering. You nodded in defeat and he proceeded to pick you up so you could reach. "Baby, John B and I could have picked this all up. You didn't have to spend your money on us." He said setting you down and puling you close, placing a soft kiss on your forehead.

"I just thought I would do something nice considering he is my best friend and he also only had expired chips in his kitchen."

You and JJ finished putting everything away just in time for John B, Pope, and Kie to get back. You all had a nice meal consisting of PB&J's , fruit snacks, and warm beer. You listened to music and danced into the night with everyone.

Pope and Kie eventually went home and John B went to bed. You and JJ were laying down together on the pull out couch, "Y/n. I love you." JJ spoke softly.

"I love you too JJ." You replied while playing with his hair.

"One day Y/n, I promise you, I will give you the world. We are gonna go full kook and have everything." He said pulling you closer into him.

"JJ, I already have everything when I'm with you, all I need is my family and that's what you are, that's what John B is, Pope and Kiara too, you guys are all I need. Nothing in this world matters more to me." You turned to face him and he lowered his head and pulled you in for a passionate kiss.

"So you're telling me that you wouldn't go full kook?" He asked playfully after pulling away from the kiss.

"Oh go to sleep Maybank." You replied hitting his shoulder and laughing.

"Goodnight y/l/n." he kissed your cheek and fell asleep holding onto you all night.

Word Count: 418

JJ Maybank/ Rudy Pankow Smuts & ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora