Moments later someone was inside shouting at her to back out of the room.

"Lauren Woods?" A man then said.

"I am not leaving this room until I hear the voice of someone I know," I said through the door.

"I'm a police officer ma'am and I want to know what just occurred here."

"That woman broke down multiple doors and got into my home," I said through the door, "I was afraid for my life and the life of my children."

"Are there children in there with you ma'am?" He then asked.

"Yes," I said as I put my hands on my stomach.

I was afraid the stress of this was going to put me into premature labor.

I sat silently for a moment ignoring the voices on the outside of the door until I heard one I knew and loved about 15 minutes later.

"Lauren?" Glyn shouted, "Lauren can you hear me?"

I stood up and put my hands on the door.

"Lauren I'm here, I'm here," my husband assured me.

I unlocked the door and slowly walked out. Our bedroom was destroyed.

There were knife slashes to our bed and pillows and feathers all about. The door was off the hinges.

I looked at my husband and cried into his chest.

The officers standing around were silent. Everyone knew the gravity of this situation for me.

"She.... She kept calling for you," I said to him.

He nodded, "I'm aware, I just saw her being taken out and...."

"Who was she?" I asked him frantically.

"My.... Ex wife."


I decided to move back in with George for a little while. I didn't feel safe inside of my home and no longer wanted to ever be alone.

It was just hard. My kids needed their mom but I was so mentally someplace else. I had been through more tragedy than I want to ever feel in my lifetime.

My husband doesn't deserve me leaving to stay here at Friars Park but I needed this. I needed to be here. He offered to come with but I felt that wasn't necessary.

His ex wife came to our home because she was jealous. She never wanted to end things with him and was desperate to have him back. She had no regard for my mental state or the fact that I was pregnant. A part of me believes that if she were to have gotten her hands on me she would have done something to harm them.

She was jealous of what Glyn was having with me. Of our perfect life. The life she couldn't have with him.

But it wasn't so perfect, was it? How could it be?

"You need to eat," George said to me one morning after the kids had already eaten and went off to their studies with their tutor.

"I have been eating," I said to him which wasn't entirely the truth.

"Lolo," he said to me.

I began to cry.

"Shh," he said "shhh... come here."

George hugged me and rubbed my back. He was still someone who always protected me the best he could.

"You are the mother of my children and I still have immense love for you. You were there by my side through so much and you have been there for so many people."

I nodded, I knew the drill. He was going to tell me I was loved and cared for by so many people. And then he was going to say Glyn loves me and is going to be a great father.

That was all true but I just don't feel okay.

"His ex wife was arrested," George said, "she's not going to harm you now."

"Someone else will," I said to him.

"I won't let it happen," he shook his head, "I care about you and our children and Glyn's. If we have to hire 5 men to stand guard at every post we will do that."

"I never thought, back when the Beatles were being chased down by swarms of women in the streets in '66, that this would be my life," I said to my ex husband.

He and his bandmates used to be hounded by the press and fans to the point of them running down the street.

But it was never evil and violent. Not like this.

I wasn't safe here in England and I wasn't safe in New York City.

"I want to move to LA with Glyn," I admitted to George, "I haven't told him that but I'm sure he would enjoy being back where he belongs."

He nodded and thought for a moment.

That's where Olivia is from and he has friends there. It wouldn't be so bad for George to stay there for a while so our kids could be with us both.

"I would think about moving there," he finally said. Which caught me off guard.

"Would you really?" I then asked.

We were holding hands.

I trusted George more than most people in life. He has been the one constant in my life even if we aren't married and are both in love with other people.

It was nice being on the same page with him for our children.

We talked about it some more and then decided to talk to Glyn and Olivia about this plan and not set anything in stone just yet.

Even if it was years from now, I would be happy having everyone there.

"Go home to your husband," George then said and he was right.

That's where I needed to be. 

Leather and Lace - A Lauren Woods Spinoff (Part 3 in series)Where stories live. Discover now