Brahms Heelshire-Jealous Baby

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Pairing: Jealous!Brahms Heelshire x Fem!Reader

Warning: Angst/Fluff. Jealous!Brahms Clingy, Insecure!Brahms? Yelling.

Word Count: 1,332

Summary: Brahms has been clingy and you don't know why.

A/N: I really like this one. Hope You Enjoy!


For the last week Brahms has been clingy. You don't know why but usually you appreciate it, but now it's starting to get annoying. You can't do simple things like wash dishes, make up the bed, or cook, you can't even use the bathroom alone!

Currently you were watching TV and noticed it's almost time for lunch, you tried getting up, but you couldn't because Brahms was holding you tight. "Brahms baby you need to let go, it's time for lunch." He didn't say anything but held you tighter, to give a silent no.

"Brahms come on now let go." You struggled trying to get out of his hold. "No! Don't leave!" A child like voice yelled. "Brahms if you don't let go you won't get a good night kiss." With that being said he let out a small whimper and let go and you made your way to the kitchen fix him lunch.

When you gave him lunch he sat having an arm around you while he ate.

Later In The Day

It was dinner time and you struggled again to get Brahms off but you eventually did. As you were fixing dinner Brahms kept trying to hold you "No Brahms go sit down I'm cooking." You kept telling him to stop but he wouldn't listen. Brahms tried holding your hand which causes you to spill the boiling water on you hand "Ow!!" You yelled in pain.

You turned around and looked up at Brahms with anger in your eyes "Brahms I told you to stop! Now look at what you did! You've been a bad boy just go to your room!" Brahms slowly walked up the stairs, sad. 'Finally I can get something done' you thought.

You were done cooking and called for Brahms but he didn't come down. Although you yelled at him you didn't expect him to ignore you. You went upstairs and knocked on the door "Brahms dinner is ready" No response. You cracked the door and sat the food in the dresser and went to get ready for bed.


The next morning you woke up to a quiet house. Usually Brahms would be running to your room with cuddling, hugs and kisses, but you didn't get any of that. You decided to brush it off thinking he was sleep. You got ready for the day and went to make breakfast.

Once you we're done making the food you went upstairs to wake him up. You knock on the door and got no response. "Brahms breakfast is ready." Nothing. You opened the door and saw Brahms in the corner. "Brahms love it's time for breakfast." He didn't even look at you but he got up and went downstairs.

You were kind of surprised, Brahms wasn't one for ignoring you but, you thought he was still mad about last night 'He'll be fine. He'll get over it' you thought. (Boy were you wrong.) For 2 WEEKS Brahms stayed in his room. The only time he came out is when he had to use the bathroom. You would say 'Come watch TV and cuddle' but he would just ignore you.


It was bath time. You went upstairs and opened the door "Brahms it's time for a bath!" He just looked at you and went to the bathroom. You turned the water on and got bubbles. He wasn't excited like he normally is. You started washing him but, he kept moving and pushing your hands back "Brahms stop I'm trying to wash you!" You said a little annoyed.

He still wouldn't stop. He grabbed the loofah and started washing himself. You were kind of surprised because he's never done this before. You decided to let him and walked away and got ready for bed. You tried thinking why he was acting like this it's been 2 weeks now. You thought back to 2 weeks ago before this all started and then it hit you like a train.


You just took a shower and was getting dressed. Brahms walked in he looked confused in why you were dressed up so nice. "Where are you going" a child voice asked. "With Malcolm, we need more groceries." You turned around and saw how he got sad. You know Brahms has separation anxiety. "Don't worry it should only take 1 hour and I will back." You assured him. Kissing him on the cheek.

2 hours later...

It's been 2 hours and you knew you told Brahms only 1 but, Malcolm was showing you a carnival that just opened up and you lost track of time. You and Malcolm entered the house. Malcolm was kind enough to stay and help you put the groceries away. He even stayed after that and ya'll talked on the couch in the living room.

Little did you know a sad Brahms was watching you and Malcolm have the time of your life. With another man. It hurt him truly. The thought of you leaving him for another man scared him so he thought maybe he could make you love him by showing affection.

He went back into the walls and cried in bed. He heard his door opened and so he pretended to be asleep and he felt and gave him his kiss. "Goodnight Brahmsy"

End Of Flashback

It was now morning and you were looking forward to getting your baby boy back. You cooked his favorite breakfast and served it to him in bed. You pulled up his mask to show the his lips kissed him. "Brahms baby I made you breakfast eat up! And then we can go watch a movie with snacks!"

Brahms was confused and wondered why you started to act like you care so much. He was starting to wonder if you loved him. He ate his breakfast made his way downstairs. There he saw you, sitting on the couch the a bowl of popcorn, candy, and drinks on the coffee table. He smiled underneath the mask and made his way over.

He sat far from you "Brahms come here and cuddle." You said. Brahms hesitated for a second but took your word. He slowly made his way over and wrapped his arms around you and put his head in your chest. He waited for you to tell him to stop but you didn't. You even held him closer.

By the end of the movie you and Brahms fell asleep. You woke up to Brahms shaking you. "Wha- What's wrong Brahms?" You asked tiredly "Hungry" he said. You look over the coffee table and saw all the snacks gone. For a moment he got scared thinking you're going to yell at me for eating all the unhealthy stuff but instead you said "Come on let's eat dinner and go to bed "

You cooked him his favorite dinner and ate with him. You let him hold your hand while cooking and sat with him letting your bodies touch. Brahms helped you wash dishes "Brahms you were such a good boy today!" You praised him. You decided you were gonna sleep with him so you changed into your PJs and sat got underneath the covers with Brahms.

He hugged you while you played with his hair "Brahms I'm sorry I ignored you and lied to you. I lost track of time." You said "I know you love me and I love you too, I was just having a great time and didn't think about the consequences. I promise I will never leave you like that again." You waited for a response.

"I love you too" a child voice squealed you couldn't help but smile. "But" You said cutting off the happiness "You can't keep stuff like that away from me if you don't tell me I can't fix the problem, we need to talk more." "Ok I promise I will" He said.

The rest of the night was filled with giggles kisses and cuddling.

You were glad to have you Baby Boy back.

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