Season 2 Intro

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The eye of the portal door opens with flames in the background of it.

Luz jumps down wearing her cape and activates and array of light glyphs.

Ember appears playing her fiddle and summoning a few animals from it.

Eda and Judah come out of a yellow and red circle ready to show off their staff magic when King popped up behind Eda making them flinch.

Issac jumps up and a phantom appears behind him and his eyes glowed purple once he held a purple stone in his hand.

Willow is the next to come up, with her eyes glowing green summoning a swarm of vines.

Gus appears with a book in his hands summoning two illusions next to him

Amity and Alister both come in before using their abomination magic to cover the screen.

The screen shows a panel of Lilith ready to attack, the Golden guard, Kikimora, and a new figure with long light brown hair not facing the screen, before turning over.

Lilith was now looking sorrowful for her actions, The Golden Guard had his mask half removed, Kikimora raged showing her opposite colored eye, and the new figure turned their head slightly revealing their orange eye.

Belos wraps up the scene before lightning flashed behind him illuminating his blue eyes.

Luz and Ember flew through Bonesborough on Owlbert and Jeffery in the afternoon, high fiving Gus, waving to Issac and Alister, and picking up Eda, Judah, and King.

They fall over as a giant green worm demon tried to attack them making them all scream and fly away

Eda and Luz stand on top of the Owl House with King on Luz's shoulders while Judah and Ember sit on the edge while Ember plays her fiddle.

Luz makes a ball of light from her glyph and throws it up into the air.

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