The First Day

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My hands and legs started twitching in nervousness. "Hey, what are you so worried for?" Judah asked. "I-I don't know... I'm so nervous. I mean... what if I don't make it?" I asked.

"Hey. Relax. You got this. Now take a deep breath in." I took in a breath. "Release it." I exhaled. "And do your best!" Judah said and pushed me onto the stage.

I stood in front of Principal Bump as he stared back at me. I looked back at Judah who motioned to take a breath.

"Hello! My name is Ember Bramblestone, I am a human wishing to attend Hexside for the study of witchcraft." I said.

Bump smiled. "Another human that wishes to be a witch. But can you also do magic?" He asked. "Well, over recent weeks we discovered I may not actually be fully human. However my magical ability is extremely weak."

I spun a circle and a faded orange circle appeared and faded away. "But, for powerless ones, glyphs can come in handy."

I pulled out an array of light glyphs and activated a ice and earth glyph, making a pretty cool display with me standing on the pillar of earth, ice held it in place, and nine balls of light surrounded me. Bump clapped.

"That was probably the best performance I've seen all day. Welcome Ember, to Hexside School of Magic and Demonics." Bump said handing me a pamphlet.

I smiled and looked back to Judah who was smiling widely, fangs bared in all while holding two thumbs up.


We flew to Hexside atop of Eda and Judah's staffs. Luz and I were wearing a light grey version of the uniform for the school.

"What are you so worried about?" Judah asked Luz. "You've been to school before." "Yeah, but at our old school she didn't make such a good first impression." I said.

"Trust me. Human schools are all about first impressions." I said. "Ember's right. This is a chance to be seen as something other than a screwup." Luz said.

"Hey, don't worry about what those dorks think. If you want my advice, walk into class and punch the first kid you see. To establish dominance. That's how I met Judah." Eda said.

Judah started laughing. "Yep. I was the closest person to the door other than my sister, and watched as Eda walked in and punched me right in the face. My mother wanted to sue her."

We dropped down at Hexside and got off their staffs. "Last chance to back out, and earn a new Bad Girl Coven patch." Eda said holding up a badge.

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