Chapter 29 Operation: Bait and Chase

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"Yeah, but you're right and I can't argue with that. Still, I hope this means you learned a lesson about trusting people on the outside, Paige," he added on a more sober note. Paige folded her arms with a scowl but Payton pulled her hand from under her elbow and threaded his fingers through hers.

"As long as you trust me to take care of you," he whispered softly, making her expression change. She turned to him with longing eyes, inching closer to him, her eyes on his lips and his on hers—

"You guys aren't gonna exchange saliva in front of everybody, are you?" Reece interrupted them with a fake nauseated look on his face. Paige aimed a punch at him but he dodged deftly, sticking his tongue out at her causing Payton to bite back laughter.

"Settle down everyone. Now that we're all well fed and watered," Soriano said aloud, drawing everyone's attention, "let's get down to business. We know that Zhang's most likely to strike at the Las Vegas sprint and we need to be ready. But knowing him, he's not gonna chuck a chance at pocketing five hundred grand simply for revenge which means he'll see the race through before he decides to attack."

"But chief, Holden was his main racer. How will he stay in the race without him?" Michelle asked.

"Unless you're planning to turn on us at the last minute and compete, the Mao You's as good as disqualified. They don't allow substitutions," Brook said to Holden.

"Don't kid yourself." Holden shook his head. "Zhang's the kingpin at shell games. He'll pull a fast shuffle right under everyone's noses."

"Meaning?" Michelle asked in confusion, baffled by Holden's street slang.

"Meaning he'll strap on a helmet and pass himself off as me if it means getting in that race," Holden explained. "Don't doubt that for a second."

"Which puts Brook at a greater risk. I'm not happy about Brook going head-on with Zhang, the guy's a loose canon at the wheel. I've seen him race and it ain't pretty," Soriano said, wincing at a memory from his younger days.

"But it could provide the perfect opportunity to bait and trap Zhang," Payton observed. Michelle rose to her feet at once.

"No, no one is using Brook as bait! I'm not gonna let that happen, we discussed this!" she protested frantically. Brook placed his hands on her shoulders to calm her down.

"Michelle, this may be the only opportunity to capture Zhang and get answers from him. We have to pump him somehow if we want to get the lowdown on Mr. Cross. It might mean putting him away for good as well." He tried to reason with her gently but she was adamant.

"We can do that some other way, any other way! Please, there's no need for you to stay in the NNC now," she looked tearfully at Brook. He met her eyes with tender love.


"Brook won't be alone," Paige interrupted. Everyone turned to her. "We can tail behind on the sidelines and keep an eye on him. The race track is a sprint which means it's an open road. No barriers to keep outside cars from joining in."

"Don't think for a moment Zhang won't have the rest of the Mao You do the same," Holden cut in. "I heard him plan it that way. He'll attack right around the finish line if it's opportune. Crowding and ambushing is his trademark."

"You would know," Michelle said with a hard look at him.

"Even so," Soriano said, "I won't be letting Brook go alone. We'll all follow behind in the shadows. Since Zhang's most likely to strike at the finish line, we'll need to concentrate our attention there. Although I wouldn't put it past him to finish off his opponents before the end and that worries me..."

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